1998 School Magazine

@irlE Gramrnur SclJool @rtgbanP 1998


Trustees: Chairman: Dr C Hirst, M.Il.B.S, B.Ed.St., AO Miss E Jameson (Deputy Chairman), 8.A., L.L.B.(Hons.), L.S D.A. R A Bernays Esq., F.C.A.(Hon. Treasurcr) Dr I G Brou,n, M.B.B.S.(Qld), M.R,C.P.(U.K.), F.R.A.C.P.

Her Honour Judge M A McMurdo, L.L.ts., A S.D.A Professor L Rosenman, B.A., M.S.\f.(Illinois), Ph.D Dr John'$f'oollett. B.A.,B.B1dg.,NI.Sc.,Ph, I)

STAIF: Principal Mrs Jr-rclith A. Hancock, B.Sc.,Grad.Dip.Ecl.Aclmin.,M.Phil.,F.A.C E.,F.A.I.M., FAPC

Deputy Principal Miss Felicity williams, 8,A., B.Ec1.St., M.Ecl,, A.S.D.A., A4.A.C.E.

Secretary to the Board ofTrustees and Business Manager Mr John Pietzner, AM

Assistant principal (Administration) Miss Elizabcth Hatton, ts.A.,Dip.I']hys.Ec1.

Assistant Principal (Counselling)

Mrs Margot L)'nch, ts.A,M.A.Ps,S.

Assistant principal (Staf0

Assistant Principal (Students)

Mr Alan Dale. B.A.(IIons), B.Ecl,,i)ip.tsd.,tl,Th.,M.A.C.E.

Mrs Marise McConaghy,B.A ,Dip.T , A.S.D A

Director of Health, Physical Education & Sport Mrs Pauline Haruey-Short, B.H.M.S.,Dip.T (P E.)

Faculty Heads English: NIrs Robyn Colwill, 8.A., P.G.D.A.(Qld ), Dip.T. Science: Miss Sally Stephens, B.Sc.,NI.Sc.Ecl. (Dist.),Glacl.Dip T ,Grad Dip Cornm.Comp. Mathematics: Mr Gary Bromiley, 13 Sc ,Dip.Ed Social & Environmental Studies: Ms Julie Hennesscy, B.A.,M Ecl.Dip Ecl LOTE: Mrs Lorraine Thornqr-rist, B.A.,M A.,Dip Ed.,M A C,E. Resources: Mrs Ann Farley, B.Ed.,M.Sc.,Grad.Dip.Resource Teaching,Dip.T., M.A C.E. Creative Arts: Mrs Penny Murphy, B.A.(Hons),Dip T Heads of House & Boarding Beanland: Mrs Lyn Chakravorty, R.A., Dip.T., Grad.l)ip.Lib.Sc. England: N{s Helen Forster, B.A., B.Ecl.St., Dip.Ed , M A C E. Gibson: Mrs Kay Kimber, ts.A.,M.Ed.,Gracl.Dip.Media (A.F T R S.),Cert.T., M.A.C.E. Griffith: MissJan O'sullivan, 8.A., Dip Ed. Hirschfeld: Mrs Anne Stubbington, B.Ed.(Hons)Sttssex,Cert.T.,Gracl.Dip.Res./Sup.Teach. Lilley: Mrs Sybil Eclwards, 8.A., Dip.T. Mackay Mrs Jacqueline Colwill,B.Ecl., Dip.T. o'connor: Mrs Roberta Kings, B.A.(Leeds), B.Ecl.S,.

PSUT" Girls Gramnar


woolcock: Mrs Sandra Bailey, B.Sc., Dip.T. Head of Boarding: Mrs Blvie Parsons, T.S.T.C., I)ip H Ec.

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