1998 School Magazine
Girls 6rammar ^Iconol ;!artsbane 1998
^;'arulty of English
1998 :^';:;::;^';^;:::{:;:^*^;::; ::::it^::::'*!;t;if^:,{:^::^::,^!:::;^;:^:: wrote and 'published', on the Grammar Net, their own reviews of the production
entering, and winning various competitions, and enthusiasti- carry engaging in the writing process, in and out of the classroom, through stimulating opportunities designed to ex- plote and to exploit a wide range of genres and texts, thereby enabling students to experiment with style, ideas, and original interpretations and approaches in a range of realistic situations Students at all levels in the subject are provided with frequent opportunities to negotiate approaches to tasks, and to select and devise topics, texts and tasks that are of personal interest and relevance. This year the introduction of a series of specially designed crosscurricular units in the Junior school provided experiences which facititated the synthesis and integration of learntng across subject areas, giving added coherence both to student encoun- ters and outcomes. The quality and diversity evident in many crosscurricular assignments at Year Ten indicate the value of an integrated approach, and of providing students with challenges that enable them to extend themselves, and their horizons. Year
Multimedia technology is also being integrated into learning experiences in Subject English in a multiplicity of ways. Year Nine classes practise application of the latest techniques in desktop publication in the production of extremely profes- SIonal magazines, with other Year Nines opting to publish their stories for an even wider readership on the Cyberzine site on the Grammar Net. Student use of videocameras, CD Roms, PowerPoint, and the internet are now integral features of learning in the subjectin both the Junior and the Senior schools. Media Sindies form an important strand in the subject, and Mr 101m Rowell, who is qualitied in Conmiunication and Journalism, continues to provide an expert contribution to the Film and Media components of our Programs, particularly in the Senior school. another of our Guest lecturers in 1998 was Daniten Parer, who has won international awards for film and video production, and was fonnerly with the South Australian
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Guest lecturer Dr/err"tier Hantso"
Damten Parer with ye@r E!eyen students
Eleven also benefited from an integrated approach to learning, with the visit of guest lecturer, Dr Jetmifer Hatrison, who enriched their understanding of the historical setting, back- ground and themes of David MalouRs award-winning AUStral- ian novel, Remembering Baby/o71, in a fascinating andinforma- tive presentation that utilised a range of primary historical sources, documents and visuals. Dr Haulson is a Research Historian with the Department of History at the University of Queensland, and is the State Researcher for the Australian Dictionary of Biography for the Australian National University Her expertise and breadth of knowledge added jinmeasurably to the appreciation of Malouf's historical context by both teachers and students As part of the Faculty emphasis on totegrating real-life ex, ,, ten:e:ti':!;"11:1':'nn^'j^!, n::":::, nn:: . ,
Film Corporation. He currently works as an independent mm producer, and lectures at the Queensland University of Tech- nology. Damien worked with a Year Eleven Elective Group, in the Unit on Australian Film deconstruction, providing expert insights into the production of his Australian feature film, Father
The inaugural Senior Writers' Camp was held from 31 July to 3 August at the Imbil Outdoor Education Centre, and it proved to be such a resounding success that it is envisaged that this innovation will become a tradition. All the students attend- ing had demonstrated a strong involvement and a marked talent
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