1998 School Magazine
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always notable acaclemic sllccesses. It appears that our fre- quently relerred to competitive edge is being enhanced rvith each change and each improvement in standard. Each improve- ment is inevitably a direct resr-tlt of student ancl stalf response to the motto "Nil Sine Labore", to which could be added "Nothing Wlthout Change". It is in accordance with the spirit of Brisllane Gids Grammar School that this magazine is compiled. To serve as a reflection of our collective eflorts, achievements ancl activities. To selve as a reminder of all that we are capable of if only we work hard and respond to change. To sele as a response to urhat we see the year to have been, tct interpret it, summarise it, remember it lt is with this intention that we pre-sent the 1998 Brisbane Girls Grammerr School magazine to yot1, lhe reacler, as the encapsu- lation of what it is to be us.
f) apicl respons( to changc is identified as the key in- I\gredient in todry's world, where transition has become a permanent state. It is also regardecl as essential to Brisbane Girls Gramrnar School. 1998 has indeecl proven this statement to be true as it has been a gre:rt year of change rn response to nen'conditions, ancl each change has been carried out with the appropriate clegree of responsibility. The school has continrred to recognise that it is not a mcrely static institution, but a constantly evolving collcction of grotrps and inclivlduals, each with their own recluirements and arnbrtions. Two of the most notable changes have been the introduc- tion of a new house, lVlackay, and the replacement of the traclitional prefect system with that of the honour awards Mackay House has not only provided the challenge ol finding new nine-1aned sporting venlles, but has also added a new clin-rension to the house structttre, enabling smaller house groups to remain clespite rising stttdent numbers. Secondly, the acijustment to the new honour awarcls system rvas incleed a 1arge, yet extremely worthwhile one. It has resulted in a new means of acknowledgement w'hereby contributions are re- u'arded in the most significant manner, through nomination by peers and teachers. This has proved itself to be a far more workable system, f:rr more representative ancl far less stunted by the shackles of traclition. Change is also apparent nearly every day within the school in the continually rising standard of out efforts; from musical pursuits, epitomisecl by the Proms Concert, to spofiing perform- ances. with exceptional achievements in diverse fields, and our
Editor: Charlotte Price Committee: Georga Cooke, Natalie Fong
Susan Ford, Judith Hainsworth Sally Lohrisch, Emma Marriott Nina Matthews. Emma Prior Elizabeth \flebb. Kate \Villlams
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MAGAZINE COMMITTEE Stancling (L-R): Mrs C. Kiollt:. N. Mattheus, S. Ford, G. Cooke, E. Marriott, iVIrs S. Llaclgrctli Se.tte.l (I-R): N. Frtrtg. E. Prior, C. Price, E Webh,.l Hainsu:ortlt Absent: S. Lcu'iscJt, K. \Yillir.tns
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