1998 School Magazine
Girls 6rammat ^iconol ^Brisbane 1998
unng the final week of the SUITuner holidays, from 8th to 24th January, Nicola Warren and I attended the sixth annual National Engineering Summer School, held in Brisbane
a tour of the University of Queensland's many Departtnents and on the Tuesday morning we visited QUT to experience what was offered there. There were site visits to BHP steel
at the University of Queensland. All 125 of the participating Year Twelve students from all over Australia were selected through their local Rotary Dis- inct with over 750 sin- dents applying for the available positions. The aim of NESS was to provide us with the opportunity to expe- Tience day to day life as engineering stu- dents at some of AUS- tralia's leading engi- neering schools and to expose us to the diverse range of op- portunities available through the many branches that Engi- neering offers
and reinforcing, fusett Maintenance, Queensland News- papers, Construction Sites, The Port of Brisbane and BP Re- fineries. it was up to us to choose which "engineering" sites interested us and to allocate our prefer- ences for these ex- cutsions. We also enjoyed a trip to the Gold Coast and Sea World where it was possible for us to take a behind-the- scenes look at sev- eral of the rides be- fore we tried them out for ourselves.
Ntco!" Waften 07 a, ,d Cairn?, Marley
All the eventngs that were spent at the college were organized with "engineering" activities including talks by guest speakers, a bridge building competition organized by the Young Engineers and a Quiz night. These evenings that were spent doing organized activities provided us all with the chance to get to know one another better, while at the same ume, they encouraged teamwork and initiative. As a result there were definitely some memorable moments throughout the week that win remain part of the Summer School experience for all of us who were involved. Nicola and I could not have chosen a better way to spend our last week of holidays before starting our final year of school. The experience was fantastic. CAITLIN MARLEY
Probably the most outstanding feature of the Summer School was the opportunity to meet with other students with stintlar interests from all over Australia. Something that I found particularly interesting was the wide range of people who attended. Despite the diversity, I discovered that more often than not I had a lot in coriumon with many of the people whom I met, and it was not always just the coriumon interest everyone shared in Engineering The Summer School provided us with many opportunities to learn at first hand what lay ahead of us at University and eventually as professionals should we choose to study Engi neering after school. On the Monday rooming we were given
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