1998 School Magazine
Girls Grammar ^iconol alatusbane 1996
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DAUGHTERS OF OLD GunlS amus U AND 12) BCCfo Roan (JR): S. .!!!,!@tt CS. Sb@, 778)J. Parcell (B. Twinez), E. Cork!e or. Parkinson), K. Bourne CS. Webberl, E. Maryiott a. Sellars), I- 0'trady 01. Rayne, :) rowrtb Row CL-R): K. Bigby 01. Sandy'0, d), M. Hamilton (F. Rentb), A. Edu", 45 or Gee), K. G, bso" re. Dicki"son), G. Pig"t CS. Noszuo, tby), E. Beretson a. Coft, ,) Third Row (L-R): E. Truce Of. Kenne4y)J. Hillbo"se 014. MCKe"ate), S. Bam, ,35*;j. , (:E. MCL"run), M. Schmidt a. Hogg), E. Adam co. HoueiD, I. Myas CD. Woodbo"sei, I. Vtssler (Z. Crons) Seco"d Roan (L-R): E. Whiting (S. Vatdro"), M. Tatt a. Howm"it), K. Gi!more a. rotgb4), E. MCGr@tb (P. Sande, 3007, E. Sepp@"on (P. Hqpe), I. M@CGMur"y or. Hitch, son), T Null a. Ande, soft), L. MCMue" CS. Nicholson) Fromt Row (L-R):I. Hull(C. Nielsen), A. Noon co. Amold), A. Wakins or-A. Firzsimmo"s), E. OH@none" 02. H@"scornb), T Vest co. Witso"), E. Abenretby or. Barrett), F. Myars CD. Woodbo"se), D. Appe! a. Knudsen) 46se"t; N. Byelt a. Goom@), E. Cockb"in a. N""ce), G. Cooke or. HanJ^,), I Cottone (E. Cumot, ,), M. Goutsb"an (G. F!o00, E. Emut (R. Waiters), S. Estwicb or. EUC, ,97, S. F, e", b CS. tonsb, ,, g), E. French CS. tonsb", g), A. Ge, of (H. MarshalD, S. Guyme, (C. Hongbto"), L. Hend, ,son 04. C@ft), K. Hadgbt?, son OK. Reute?, Plan, is (:E. Carty), Alell O. Milled, R. Lys""gbt (Z. Paletbo@e), I. MCC, o77 co. Sinpsott), G. PowerJ (R. Howe), T Rhodes 64. Nonce), 11 Saucge (R. Lickiss), I. Scales (P. Mills), E. Schmidt (C. Suntters), I. Scott a. Moriey, ), E. Shield 64. MCUso"), I 77@Ders CS. Lipsf04)
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