1998 School Magazine

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Girls Grammar ^, rhool alarmbane 1998

JACQt. 11^Inn^, CirrusSY AND musHA PEEL

unng their time at Grammar the Peel sisters, Iacqueline, Chiissy and Trisha, distinguished them-

Chiissy's studies have also brought her much success Although still studying Engineering, she has managed to secure

selves as high achievers. This has continued through to the herself employment with the BP Petroleum Oil Company upon present, to the extent that it became apparent that their completion of her Degree next year. She is considering special- individual and collective achievements should be brought to ismg in consultancy in this position. At the moment Chrissy is the attention of the school coin- completing her thesis in which in unity. Perhaps what makes she is studying the creation of their accomplishments most in- artfficial skill which she describes triguing is that all three siblings as having been "both a challeng- have competed, performed and ing and enjoyable experience". succeeded at the highest level She is currently a scholarship for most of their lives. NonnaUy holder and a representative on families have one child in par- the University Student Council. ticular who excels, who can be Trisha's interest in science singled out as a distinguished originally took her to join member of the group. The Peel Iacqueltrie and Chiissy at the family, however, has three University of Queensland where equally exceptional young she began a Science Degree. women to its credit After one year of study, how- The sisters talk candidly about ever, she was accepted into the their time as students of the highly competitive Medicine school. They agree that the course at the Melbourne Univer- I@cqt, elme, Cb, is$y @?ad 77tsb" Peel schoolencouragedtheir achieve- sity. This is a particularly impres- merit, in an environment which up held the school motto, "Nil sire achievement when it is considered that according to Sine Labore". They have taken this editication with them into Iacqueline's calculations only the top one per cent of University the wider coriumunity, along with fond memories of teachers of Queensland Science students are accepted interstate. Trisha who were more like friends than stereotypical eneintes, and a won a scholarship to Onnond College in the University and has community which urged you to pertonn to your highest distinguished herself there as a competitor in a variety of fields, standards, while not inciting hostile competition between from academic achievements, to those on the sporting field as students' Chrissy sums this up we I as "a school where the captain of the Onnond College hockey team. All fanuly mein- seemingly impossible combination of friendship, fun, hard bers agree, that while her studies are always a focus, moving work, achievement and involvement was achieved" away from home and an that is familiar has provided many adventures in itself for Trisha The sisters are adamant that their sibling relationship has sity of Queensland last year with a grade point average of 6.9 always been amicable and has never been characterised by out of a possible seven. Chiissy is excelling in her final year of competition as some may suspect. Chiissy claims that this is an Engineering Degree, specialismg in Cheintcal Engineeting at because while all sisters are achievers, they are all different the University of Queensland. Trisha, the youngest sister, is at achievers. She says ':lackie's the eloquent one, I'm the math- Melbourne University in her second year of a Medicine Degree. ematical one and Trisha's the biological one". Their variety of The future certainly looks bright for the sisters talents has meant that the sisters have never felt the need to Iacqueline has applied for several scholarships to further her Compete against each other, but rather, support each other in an unobimsive way. Iacqueline says, "None of us would ever studies overseas beginning in August next year. She has already interfere in each other's lives, but we're there for each other been accepted to Georgetown Urnversity in Washington and is waiting to hear from New York University and Harvard, Boston. When we're needed. I think it works weU that way. " She is applying for a Rhodes Scholarship to fund this venture I think that the school coriumunity would agree that this She intends to obtain a Masters Degree in international Law and particular sibling relationship is one which has indeed "worked Policy with which she would like to exarnine human rights law, well". 6- ^ ^.^ ^;^' Achievements, however, have continued beyond their school life. Iacqueline finished her Science/Law Degree at the Urnver-

trade law, and environmental and social implications. Upon completion of her overseas study, Iacqueline hopes to work in an area of international law involving an environmental coin- ponent so as to be able to utilise her Science Degree. As far as where she will be next year and how she will get there, Iacqueline says she's just "keeping (her) fingers crossed"


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