1998 School Magazine
@^iris 6rammar ^ithool ;Brisbane 1998
has been another busy year for the SUIS (Scripture Union in Schools) group at BGGS First of all, we had to accustom ourselves to a name change from the former Is CF We started the year with fun and games to promote SUIS as a group where girls can relax and get to know each other better 1998
This was espe- cially helpful 10 the Grade Eight students, new to the school coin- in unity in term two
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we concentrated on the more se- rious issues with discussions on topics such as "Who is God?" and the "Importance of Friends"
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Playing the chocolate game/
Term three heralded the arrival of our first major event of the year, the visit by the local Christian band "Cordial". They performed to a large and enthusiastic crowd in the Auditorium There are many SuiS groups in Queensland schools and we have had the opportunity to join with some of these in extra- curricular activities. There are always SUTS camps in the school holidays and hopefully some of our students will take advan- rage of these, especially the Schoolies Week camp for Year Twelves at the end of term four
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Senior Production 1.998 Running LIP a Dress
yell, r, witcttt cord, gciberdiite, !Ie-dyed cloth, polyester: stretch denim, RL, ?an ing Lj) 61 DJ'ess. The 1998 Senior Production opened with well-known names of fabrics being bounced off the walls of the Gehrniann Theatre and wrapped around the ears of the audience. As a great contrast to the musical VestsideStoiy, Rt, !liti', Ig Lp, IDi'ess by Suzanne Spunner rook an in depth look at the relationships and bonds between mothers and daughtei's and the passing down of special traditions Under the leadership of three Directors, Mrs Sybil Edwards, Ms Kern Mecklem and Mrs Penny Mui'phy, the Ensemble cast of twenty-four Grade Eleven and Twelve students worked intensely over a short rehearsal period to perform outstandingly on the two nights on which it was presented. A special Inention in List be made of Iudith Hainsworth for her excellent and unique improvisation in the role of the Grandmother which biohly amused and delighted the audience. Me lissa Chambers also deserves a mention here for her performance as the perfection- ist sewing teacher
A magnificent structure of a black and white flowing dress was used as the centrepiece in the production. Thanks must go to Mrs Megan James and Edwina Newton, the Alt Directors, who designed and, with the help of Mr Rob Vogler, helped to constrLict this masterpiece. Coloured fabrics and patterns were hung from the walls of the theatre creating the perfect atmosphere R!,"niltg L4) a Dress flowed smoothing through rehearsals and both nights dtie to the dedication and hard work of the Stage Manager Tara West and the Assistant Stage Manager Amanda Vatkins. They were helped by an efficient backstage crew who contribLiied greatly to the success of the prodLiction behind the scenes R!!1/12/'11g LibaDresscertainly offei'ed something to every aoe groLip in the audience. Actors and audience alike could draw on personal experience. The pel'formance was ITUmorous yet poignant at the same time. it made a very Inemorable BGGS prodLiction for all involved, but most importantiy for the senior students, as their last prodLiction with the school ROS CRONE (ASSISTANT DIRECTOR)
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