1998 School Magazine
Girls 6rammar ^iconol jarisbane 1998
Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme he missionofthe Duke's Awardis to provide OPPortunites While gaining an Award, candidates learn the value of co- and encouragement to young people to challenge operation, teamwork and endurance. They set goals and
themselves to achieve their potential through their contribution and participation in their community
achieve them, learn to manage time and to make their own decisions. Award certificates form a valuable part of Student Profiles and Resumes, and employers are often impressed by the commitment shown by those who gain Awards We have over one hundred students registered as candi- dates in the Award Scheme, and those who have achieved Awards deserve our congratualtions. Their names are recorded below
SLVER AWARDS Menssa Cowlishaw Kenie Creed Particia Dowsett Katy Gibson Alexandra Ginies
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Leith Cowie
Tegan Davey Kalani Dias
funanda Hall Susan Iehne
IOH Alexandra Drennan 12B Ruth Farley 9H Sophie Ferris 10R Sarah Hack IOH Danika Harrison 11L Catherine Henderson 11L Kate Hodgkinson 11L He Ien Kim 11R Phoebe Lynch TOB Catherine Mak 10L Yvette Miller 11L Elizabeth Plant 10E Jusveer Rakhra 10R Lucinda Thornpson ITE Am anda Vatkins 11R
Gold 420m'atee Mtcbe!!e H",'uey with Reu. Akin A, I"to
Participants complete four sections in gaining a Bronze or Silver Award. The Service section helps the girls to 11nderstand the needs of others and gives them a chance to par back something valuable into the coinmLinity. For the Skills area, practical skills that are meaningful and interesting are acquired, while for Physical Recreation, it is hoped candidates will become aware that a healthy lifestyle is a valuable asset for growth and development. The final section is Expedition/ Exploration. This challenges physical ability, tests foresight, improves organisational skills and develops self-reliance. The effort put in by Mr Tim Lanham and Mr Andy Chapman in training and testing the girls in this section is runch appreciated by all those involved in the Scheme. At the Gold level, candidates are required to complete a Residential component in which they live and work for four days with a group of people who were previously unknown to them
GOLD AWARDS Penelope Mackenzie Josephine MacLeod Kate Newsome Ruth Schulz
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GOLD AWARD WinNERS= Josepbtne Mac!god (L) and Penelope Mac*errzt'e
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