1998 School Magazine

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Girls 6rammar ^, rhool ^!Brisbane 1998


Rain pounds the tin roof, like a teacher's nails on a wooden desk, like a busy secretary at her computer, like a sprinter's heart after a race, like an applauding crowd after a violin concerto The sun beats down, a rainbow appears, the rain accepts defeat, after seeing ecstatic children, pour out of houses along the damp street


I got up early this morning, I saw the sun rise When no one else was awake, I saw the miracles that happen every morning.

Birds start to mock the rain, with their chirpy calls, and the rain seethes witli anger, as it plans the next storm

I saw the birds awake, I saw the flowers open, I saw the sun giving life, to all creatures and plants When people slept, I saw life. The unchanged beauty, of our world All of the animals that awake, and stumble into the sun and the flowers, that gradually, reluctantly, show us their petals Every morning this happens, while humans sleep I thank my lucky stars, I am here to see it

by LOUISE COTTONE 9 G, ^@'i'tb


The dying of the winter, The coming of the spring Of all the winter's memories, Which slowly take to wing

The thoughts which slip Ihrougll our fingers Float Lipon the breeze, Remind of distant grievances Long PIit at ease

by A1TISON rumER zo e, ^@ith

The niemories awaken That clrift Lipon the wind Of sorrow, longing, grief And night with o11t an end

by DANnelLE MEDEK 11 0'Coin"or


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