1998 School Magazine

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Girls @^rammar ^, chuol ^Brisbane 1998



FIELD us FRANCE, I. 91.6

The dark, velvet, cloak of night Encaves us Sinks into every dip in the ground Surrounds stumps that were once trees Like a cunning panther stalking its prey

When Pierre D'Coubertairi said "Faster, higher, stronger",

Coaches heard - Faster by drugs, Higher by overtraining, Stronger by cheating

I think of night at home Of the warm, glowing, inviting fire

When the staff at Disneyland created "it's a Small World, " They discoLiraged segregation, But didn't acknowledge one small fact- Walt was an anti-black member of the Nazi party When Australia said in wartime "We shall fight to our last man" They meant, "We will send thousands of men to their deaths" When the Queen said "We all loved Diana", She forgot to mention she stripped Diana of her. title.

Of the stillness The tranquillity

Here there is no stillness to talk of No tranquillity The warnT fire rums into the imposing flashing of a machinegun Bombs fall, the stable ground trembles, shakes and tries to rLin in terror

Here there are no dreams Only nightmares

Nightmares never dreamed are dreamed here Nightmares full of a fear Inave never known

When Ray Martin covered 'The Panton' scandal, He clidn'I Inention 11is sittiation- Being paid tens of thousands of CIOtIars

Here death comes closer than evei clared Whispers in your ear Stares in your face CILitches you, waiting to take you

To destroy the 'small fish' An <1 reacl off an auto-CLIe

Here I wait for death Every day I wish for it I know it will be easy The waiting is the pain

Sometimes the small print can be <1eceivino n S e Sill priiT e C ecei i g Sometimes the 5111all pitnt is cleleted.


by ROSALmD CRONE 12 Hirscl!fatd

by CMTLIN GoSS 9 Hitscl!fatd


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