1998 School Magazine
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Girls Grammar ^Ichool ;!artsbarie 1998
I can't afford them
it I want is those pants. I've tried them on so many times that lifestyle, so I really can't afford the pants. I can't afford those they fit my skin. I say I can't afford them, but it's not that. pants but I love them. I feel beautiful and feminine in them.
Ifl buy them 1'11be 'in'. 1'11be cool. 1'11 show everyone that Ihave taste. That I have money. Isn't that all a thirteen-yearold girl could want? Isn't that the ultimate dream? To be admired by all the other girls her age and older? All I have to do is buy those pants. They're so comfortable and they look great. I can fit in with those pants. But what if fitting in means losing my identity? Losing myself and becoming one of them. Becoming one of them means going out with the right boys, going to the right places at the Tight time. Sounds great but what if it means going out with the same boys who think they're great and go through about fifty girlfriends a year? Each girl meaning nothing, but enhancing image. The right boys have to be older because they are the only ones worth being with. Boys your own age are too immature. I say I can't afford those pants because I like the boys my own age. They're great. Fun to be with and really mature What if I love my identity? Love being different. What if the right place and the right time is a place I hate at all the wrong times? What if the right place is an exclusive coffee club that costs the earth? Maybe I can afford the pants, but not the
They emphasise all my curves and I could catch the world's attention, but I'd have to read in aoazines and know all the latest fashions. I'd have to perm and dye my hair, or get the most fashionable haircut, the one that everyone is getting. What if those pants mean wearing the most expensive make-up and jewellery and having my eyebrows the right shape? What if every time I wear those pants I have to complain that I'm fat when I know that I'm anything but fat? What if that means whenever I'm out I have to eat salad and drink mineral water to lose weight? Once I've lost the weight then what? Lose more because I'm still too fat? Those pants are the most elegant, classic and fashionable pants that I've ever seen. But to buy them I'd have to become a fake person. It's all part of fitting in. To become someone, you have to lose yourself. Would you buy those pants?
by BREANNA RYAN 8 0'Co""or
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SALLYBRAND - 11 Liney - Pailttiitg
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