1998 School Magazine

@irlg Grammsr Stl]oo[ Erigbane 1998

Patents anrd Friends' Association Incory)orated

Association to rnaintain an excellent funciing b:ise and provrde tangible assistance to the school through the provision of facilities and improvements. The running of the shops is a big responsibility and the Association is most gratelul for the enonnous contributions of the varior-ts convenors. In 79c)7 the Assoclation provicled fr-rnds to airconclition the library and provicle new lockers lor the girls. Recently clecisions srere taken to airconclition the comptltel'rooms, con'rplete the installation of the lockers and install shacle sails to set aside a nnique area lor Year Twelve girls. The Association encleavottrs to retain a sufficient level of

I99B ii: f,:ll l;A i :: lffi'ffi:il l* : T.H: bers fbr their sr:pport and involvement. Our regular monthly mcsllngs have been well attended with each of the groups represented on the Committee recording a high leve1 of p:rrticipation rv'ithin their particular sphere, The P & F opel'ates '.rs an ltmbrella for the r-lrious llroups u,.ithin the school ancl it is a p1e:rsttre to $'ork in cooperation n'ith the Mothers' Gror-rp, Fatl-rers' Group, Friends of Girls Grammar and the other cotnnittecs and parent groups in the school community. The Mothers' ancl Fathers' Groups

funcls to enable it to respond quickly to urgent ancl appropliate requests from the school to assist n'ith pt'ovi- sion ol prrti(ulrr ilcms. The Association has been in- volvecl in other important events on the school calendar inclucling School Da,v and the welcome to new pal'ents and joinecl with the Friends of Girls Grammar to host a sr-tccessfr-rl dinner at the Heritage in Septen'rber, A most sr-rccessfr-rl Year Twelve

havc con-rpletecl another sltccessfttl year of fellor'i'ship ancl seruice in the school. The groups again combinecl for a well received dinner errening rvith Mrs H:rncock as Guest Speaker. The evening is a popular anntlal event ancl much enjoyed by all urncl provicled a practical demonstration of the latcst in compllter technology macle available by the Association. The Mothels' Group has enjoyecl a very sLlccessful year of funchaising. This year', for tl're first time, a most sncccssful Fathcr/Daughte r f)inner r'vas held. The N{r-rsic Gronp, r-rnder the able leaclelship of N{r' Gl,vnn Jell has once again stagecl 2l very sllccessfirl Proms Concelt. The concert prctviclecl a won- clerfirl opportr-rnity tbr the girls to clis- play their enontlotls talent l>efbre a large ancl very appreciative attclience. The incorporation of tnr-rlti-rlcclia tech nolog-v into tlte concert gt'catl-v en hanced this year's pelfirrrl:rnce. T1-rc Ir & F's appreciation is ag:rin

Forn'ral r.r'as again hclcl. Tl-re Function took place at the Brisbane Conven- tlon Centre w-ith the organisation overseen by the P & F Association in conjr-rnction rvith ttre Ycar Tn'elve gir1s. T1"re night was once again an otltstanclinll success ancl everyonc inr.olved is to be congratulatecl. The annr-ral Valeclictory Dinner

The LtLckshc4t

n'l'rilst the F'atl"rers' Group h:rs continr.tecl its tr':rdition of wolking bees to lmprovc facilities both at the scl-rool and :rt Imbil. I congr2rtLllate NIrs Dawn Bracly ancl NIr Glenn Capper for their leaclership of thcse grollps,

was most successfi-tl ancl I thank Convenor. Mls .f:rn NlcKenzic, ancl her willing bancl of volr,tnteers for cnsuring the nigl"rt was so sr-rccessfirl fol our Year Tnrelrte stndents ancl thcrr parents. The Exccr-rtive is inclebted to Mls Hancock fbr her continLtecl partici- patlon in oul meetings ancl support at all tirnes. The cooperation of othcr stafT ancl suppofi for or.tr encleevorlrs arc greatly appreciated. I sincercly thenk the members of

Tbe clolltitrg sboP

our execr-rtirre committee fbr their hard work on )tour behalf ancl trr.rst thc Association r.ill continr-re to tttnction as sr-rccessfttlly as in tl're p:rst fbr the beneflt of or-tl great schottl. MIKE EMERSON PRESIDENT

extenclecl to the large numbet' ttf volr-tnteers r;r'ho essist in str rrixny ways in the lif'e of the school w-ith the singr-rlal airn of in'rproving the opportttnitics ancl facilities for our claughters. Tl"rc P & F shops n'hich ale thc hr-rb of the Association's actirrities have again leturnec'l a healthlt profit ancl enabled the

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