1997 School Magazine

--------- @irls @rammar ~coool 3'/Jrilibatte 1997



La Seine

Eating stingray! stingray - at La Rochelle, and "pintarde" - guinea fowl - at a chateau-restaurant at Villars, visiting the Futuroscope at Poitiers, a theme park of image, cinema and special effects, and a guided tour of historic Angouleme in the company of the informative hi story teacher, were all included on the agenda . On the weekends, groups ofAustralians would meet in town and utilise ur improved language in shops, cafes and MacDonalds, while spending our French francs freely. While some girls purchased ne,v winter wardrobes in the sales, others simply enjoyed wa ndering through the heated shops. After three and a half weeks in Angouleme, sadly, we said farewell to our families and friends at the station, promising to write soon and hopefully meet again one day, maybe next time at Brisbane Girls Grammar School! Gradually the farewell gifts of chocolates, crepes and biscuits emerged from bags, and the Lear-stained faces of the Australians soon glowed with delight al the prospect of two nights in .... Paris!!! Paris certainly lived up to all expectations. By day we visited the Musee D'Orsay and the Louvre , viewing well known paintings and sculptures, including the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo. Ascending La Tour Eiffel at night was, needless to say,

stunning and another highlight of the trip . The illuminated French icon received spellbound admiration from the group, and against a cloudless night sky with a full moon, it truly was a sight to behold. The panoramic display of the lights of Paris from the second viewing platform provided a beautiful and stirring moment for all. The Champs Elysees with the Arc de Triomphe caused many cameras to flash, as was the case wherever we went in Paris. Riding the Metro, strolling along the banks of the Seine admiring the old books and postcards of "!es bouquinistes", visiting the magnificent Sainte-Chapelle and seeing the scaffolding-covered Notre Dame and beautiful stained glass windows gave eve1yone a great thrill and were truly sensational. Paris- je t'adore!

But sadly enough, all too soon we had to leave the city of love, of food and of beauty, and catch our plane back home. Discovering they served Mars icecream bars shortened the overnight journey for some, while others tried to sleep. With one last day sight-seeing in Hong Kong, we prepared to return to hot, but familiar Australia. As fatigued as we were, it was great to be home, and to drive on the "right" side of the road again. FIONA LAZAR Asseinbly Address by St Paul Students

MESDAMES, MESDEMOISELLES, MESSIEURS, N ous tenons tout d'abord a vous remercier pour l'accueil chaleureux que vous nous avez reserve. Ceci est en partie du aux bonnes relations existantes entre nos cl eux etablissements, depuis quelques annees deja . Pour nous, ce voyage est Lres enrichissant, tant sur le plan li nguistique que culture!.

En effet, les habitudes de vie, et la maniere de penser sont differentes. Ainsi , notre rythme scolaire n'a rien de commun avec le votre. En France, nous commenfons la journee a 8 heures, et la finissons aux alentours de 5 heures. Ensuite, nous avons en general deux heures trente de travail scholaire a la maison: ce qui nous laisse tres peu de temps pour le sport et autres divertissements que !'on pratique le plus souvent le mercredi apres-midi et le samedi. Le dimanche

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