1997 School Magazine

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1 997 marks my twenty-first year at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. Each one of those years has been ve1y different, ve1y challenging, but also very rewarding. It has been a great privilege year by year to greet so many young girls as they enter Year Eight and then to watch them mature into confident young women who, by the end of Year Twelve ,

project by raising the monies required to complete the installa- tion. 1997 is also the year in which we celebrated the enormous contribution that Sir Charles Lilley made to the development of the Colony of Queensland and in particular his vision in relation to the education of young women. Born in 1827 in Newcastle

capably and enthusi- astically embrace the challenges of adult life. During their five years with us, each generation of Gram- mar Girls has been cherished by a dedi- cated and committed staff who share with me the joy of each End of Year Assem- bly and Valedicto1y Dinner when we say au reuoir to yet an- other group of gradu- ates. The School com- munity will remem- ber 1997 as the year in which this youth and vitality was rec- ognised by the crea- tion of a panel of beautiful stained glass windows at the en- tr a nce to the Beanland Memorial

on Tyne , Lilley spent the majority of his life endeavouring to ensure that those coming to live in Queensland would have access to the opportunities which education brings. The inaugural Lilley Ora- tion, held on Founda- tion Day, March 15 this year, provided us all with the opportu- nity to honour this man who was indeed , far ahead of his time . Other significant events are highlighted in the following pages, but it would be remiss ofme not to note how saddened we were to hear of the death of a ve1y eminent former student of the School , Emeritus Professor Dorothy Hill , PhD

Mrs Hancock

Libra1y. These win- dows are dedicated to all Grammar Girls but in particular to the Class of '96. Designed by one of our Art Teachers - Jennifer Andrews - and developed by the stained-glass artist Warwick Blair, they symbolically depict the unfolding of the creativity within us all , the fire of enthusiasm and the capacity to achieve our goals, whatever they might be. Dominating the windows is the power of the eagle. A myriad of butterflies depicts the uniqueness of each of us , with no two sets of wings being alike. Unveiled on School Day, the windows will be a lasting reminder of the thousands of young women who have passed through the Grammar portals. We thank the Mothers' Group of 1996 for the enthusiasti c way in which they supported the

(Cantab) , DSc, Hon LL.D(Qld) , FRS and FAA in April this yea r. Professor Hill established an international reputation in the field of Geology. Then in June , the Immediate Past Chairman of the Board or Trustees, Dr Mccrae Grassie, OAM, MA, MEd(StA) , PhD(Qld) . FACE, FQIEA, died suddenly following a prolonged illness. We were ve1y privileged to hold his funeral service in the School which he loved so much and to pay tribute to a man who w :1:-; both a gentleman and a scholar. JUDITH A HANCOCK


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