1997 School Magazine
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Address frotn the Chairperson of the UN Youth FORUM TO YEAR TEN STUDENTS
These then, are the human rights to which all members of the UN have ascribed and to which all countries must aspire. It was not long ago, that human rights were a thing to be ignored at one's convenience. Examples of this blase approach to human rights can be seen time and again throughout histo1y. Many may be inclined to think that such degradation of human beings, was a thing of the past, but it is not.
Alexi Drennan, Youtb Forum Cbai1person
T he motion before you today is : That all member nations abhor the violation of human rights and agree to the use of trade sanctions against these countries, which, on the basis of agreed evidence, have violated the human rights of their peoples. Human rights have long been a contentious issue amongst the member states of the UN. The charter of the rights of man has been subscribed to by eve1y member nation of the UN, yet human rights violations still persist in many countries, be they developing or industrialised. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states, that amongst other things, all people have the right to: • Freedom of expression, movement, association and as sembly • Protection of their inherent right to life • Liberty and security of person • Freedom from cruel and degrading treatment or punish- ment • Equal treatment with others under law • And finally, effective remedies if these rights are violated
Only half a centu1y ago the world stood witness to some of the greatest atrocities ever committed against man, during the Nazi regime in World War Two. One would like to think such - - ---------------------67 -----------------------
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