1997 School Magazine
-----------------------m--------- @rls c/9rnmmar scbool ?§rislrnne 1997 ~ Editorial
A s we draw ever closer to the end of the twentieth centmy, poised on the precipice of a new millenium, we are compelled, as a society, to respond to the challenges of this fas L-moving technological age. The new generation is faced with the demands of a dichotomous world, simultaneously limitless and unreachable, universal and fiercely individual, ovenvhelming and exhilarating; where our new realities exist in Lh e intangible cyberspace beyond our computer screens. The most valued and sought-after assets for the workforce reflect the spirit of the times: flexibility, diversity, creative intelligence, and pa rticularly the ability to adjust to constantly changing de- ma nds. To su1vive and succeed in this unpredictable world requires a competitive edge - a fact recognised by Brisbane Girls Grammar School, and provided for through superior facilities, resources and opportunities. The diversity of experiences offered both through the academic program and the co- ·urri cular activities provides students witha real-world advan- Lage, and the opportunity to discover and exceed their limits of knowledge and experience. The climate of change and transition has been reflected withiri Girls Grammar this year with the announcement of a reorganisation of the School, necessitating the forthcoming closure of the Boarding House . Although having a sound practi cal basis, this decision was met with some degree of sac.lnesss and regret by the members of the School community, as Lh e Boarding House has played an integral and valued role in Lh e development of Girls Grammar for many years, and will b , mi ssed.
It was with great sorrow, too , that the students and friends of the School learned of the passing of Dr McCrae Grassie , a former Chairman of the Board ofTrustees, and a valued mentor, advisor and patron. Dr Grassie was widely recognised as a scholar and a gentleman, who generously devoted much time and expertise towards the enrichment and development of Girls Grammar, and will be well remembered by the School commu- nity for years to come . This has been a successful year for Brisbane Girls Grammar School, and one of change and innovation. This , your annual School Magazine, has been carefully compiled by the Magazine Committee in an effort to capture the essence of the Grammar spirit of '97, and to provide a unique insight foto this year's diverse and .various experiences and,achievements.
Editor: Committee:
Eli za beth Ahe rn Kat hy Burke, Naomi Burke-Shyne, Emma Cameron , Catherine Chapman,
Fiona Laza r, Alexi Drennan, Nata lie Fong, Kri sten Laml ert , Charl otte Pri ce, Emma Price, Eli za! eth Velkovic
MAGAZINE COMMITTEE Sta1lding (L-R): A . Drennan, E. Velkovic, Mrs C. Kiolle, C. Price, C. Cbapman, N. Burke-Sbyne, Mrs S. Hadgrafl Seated (L-R): K. Burke, E. Cameron, N. Fong, E. Abern, F. Lazar Absent: K. Lambert, E. Prior
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