1997 School Magazine

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1997 Australian Science Olyntpiads Biology Progranune M id last year Katrina and I, under the tireless guidance of Mrs Sharma, began our training for the 1996 Biology

couple of hundred multiple choice questions, some short response items and three essays. Needless to say, we were both exhausted by the end of our stay, but the experiences we had and the friends we made rendered our efforts worthwhile. Thanks must go to Steve, Llewellyn, Rose, Vanessa and ex-Grammar girl Trisha Peel for their efforts to maintain our

National Qualifying Examination, in a programme run by the Australian Science Olympiads. After sitting the examination in October, Katrina obtained a High Distinction and I gained a High Distinction and the Silver Award for Queensland. As a

consequence ofour achieve- ments we were both invited to Canberra to become 1997 Australian Science Olympi- ads Biology Scholars, and to participate in the Olympiad programme at the Univer- sity of Canberra which ran from Januaty eighteenth to February first. The programme con- sisted of two weeks of accel- erated learning. Lectures began at eight a.m., and, ,vith breaks for morning tea, lunch and dinner, ran through until ten p.m. We waded through almost the entire one thousand, two

interest for what amounted to around one hundred and twenty hours of Biology lec- tures, and to AndrewWalter, the Director of the Biology programme for the Austral- ian Science Olympiads. Katrina and I also extend our special thanks to Mrs Sharma, who introduced us to the programme and pro- vided us with the opportu- nity to participate. Without her continued guidance , devoted support and end- less patience, none of our achievements would have been possible .

Katrina Vicke1y (L) and Renee Beny

hundred and six pages of our set text: Biology- Fourth Edition, and comprehensively covered many areas of Biology, including genetics, microbiology, evolution, organic chemist1y and DNA technology. This learning period was punctuated by exams, whi ch were far more demanding than Katrina and I had been used to. They were up to four hours long, and consisted of a

This was a period which , although at times arduous and challenging, was a fulfilling and enjoyable experience that we will remember for the rest of our lives.


Prize Wi1111ers, National Mythology Competition and American Classical League Exam (Yea1ยท 9) Standing (L-R): Katharine Hollingsworth, Maria Barke,; Tegan Davey, Mrs L. Seckold Seated (L-R): Jennifer Cheung, Sopbie Ferris, Erophylia Cashissios

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