1997 School Magazine
®iris ®rammar ~cbool ;IBrisbane 1997
Student Achievers
A nyone who has attended the B.G.G.S.Music concerts this yearwould have had an opportunity to appreciate the outstanding musical ability of Leanne Day through her solo performances, her position as the leader of the chamber orchestra, and her membership of the award-winning Fiddlesticks String Quartet. Leanne has studied violin since the age of three, and subsequently attended the Stoliarsky chool of Music to further develop her obvious talent. Her association with Stoliarsky has pro- vided her with the opportunity to participate in musical tours of Europe and America, including a performance at the Vatican in front of Pope John Paul II . During 1995, Leanne gained her
of some of Australia 's must eminent profes- sional musicians. During the two weeks' du- ration of the camp, the students participated in two symphony orchestras, a chamber or- chestra, a choir, thirty-two chamber groups, a series of "in-house" concerts, a live-to-air broadcast on the A.B.C. and two public con- certs in Geelong's Great Hall at the Woolstores Campus of Deakin University. On the basis of her audition in Brisbane, Leanne was ap- pointed co-concert master of the first sym- phony. On top of this, Leanne was a member of a piano quartet which participated in a masterclass with Michael Brimer. The ve1y high standard attained by the
Leanne Day
participants in the 1997 National Music Camp attests to the talent and commitment displayed by Australia's young musicians, and participation in such an event would have resulted in many invaluable opportunities and experi- ences to assist in the furthering of their musical careers. Leanne intends to further her studies in music in the United States next year, and we wish her all the best then and in the future.
Li centiate through the Australian Music Examination Board, which is a significant achievement for such a young musician. During 1996, Leanne was awarded the Friends of Girls Grammar Bursary by the Parents and Friends' Association, nabling her to attend the Youth Music Australia's National Music Camp. It was held in Janua1y this year at Geelong rammar School in Melbourne, and brought together 400 young musicians from around the count,y under the instruction
T he only time success comes before work is in the dictiona1y. This is true for all p ople but in particular Year Eight student, Sidney Cubasch. She is a girl with a dream, talent and a lot of determination. Tennis is her game and to be the best is her aim. After beginning tennis in Singapore at a Country Clu b when she was just seven years old, icl ney has progressed to bigger and much better things. When she and her family moved to Aus- lralia, Sidney continued playing tennis and working towards her aim of being the best she coul d possibly be. Last year, she was ranked numbe r one in Australia for her age group,
and a percentage player. She likened Sidney to 1996 Senior, Andrea Ho, an equally unpreten- tious and unaffected champion. Sidney loves the competitiveness and see- ing the hard hours of training pay off in tournaments . As well as being in the QGSSSA Tennis team, Sidney's main area of competi- tion is outside school. In September 1997, Sidney will be travelling to complete in the Nationals of the U14s in Melbourne , and then to Sydney for the Masters. Her persistence and dedication to the spo1t she loves means Sidney's success as a tennis player will know no bounds. Her enthusiasm, smiling face and commitment to her chosen sport will reward her as she
Sidney Cubascb
works towards being "the best I possibly can be. Hopefully one day I can be in the top ten, or maybe even number one in the world ." Good luck, Sidney, whatever your future may bring, I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of you in the future . CATHERINE CHAPMAN
12. This year, Sidney is again ranked highly, being one of the top three in Australia of the U13 age group. To meet Sidney, however, is like taking a breath of fresh air. Tennis apta in , Adele Marriott describes her as modest, level headed, fun to be around and a lovely person, whilst being determined
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