1997 School Magazine
hank Mr Dale, Sister Wheelwright, Caitlin Matthews, Lyn {aphael, Chris Heron and Blake Hagar for judging the compe- :ition and our spunky escorts from BGS, Hardy Cubasch, Blake 3urningham, Richard Cash, Rowan Hall and Kym Griffiths. There you
And so, to the girls of 1997, your seniors bid you farewe ll , as we enter the uncertainties of the 'real world' . Take care and don't waste your time left as a boarder because you will, most likely, never get another chance . KATE BYTH-LOWDEN
have the main ex- citing events for the year. However none of them can really explain the thrill of being a boarder. It is im- possible to put into words what it is like to eat in a room buzzingwith animated conver- sations and bois- terous fits of con- tinuous laughter. One thing impos- sible to explain is the sheer frustra- tion of waking to the sound of the leaf blower eve1y morning. This is what boarding is
Ma tesb1p
Scbool Day Stall
all about, the indescribable feeling you get from living with your l'r iends, the eternal bond of friendship with eve1y other boarder :incl the knowledge that no matter how happy, angty, hyperac- ti ve or sad you are , there will always be some one to listen or l o help or to laugh or cty or even turn the 80's music up really loud and have a boogie! Whatever the case, we are never alone. And so, to the girls of 1997, your seniors bid you farewell, as we enter the uncertainties of the 'real world' . Take care and
(L-R): Stepbanie Smitb (Deputy Head Boa1de1), Kate Bytb-Lowden (I-lead Boarde1) witb Head Girls Barbara McKay and Kate Bay ne
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