1997 School Magazine
((girls ((grammar ~cboo! J/ilrisbane 1997 --------- ~ The BGGS - Matsusaka Connection (A parent perspective by Marjorie Henzell)
H ave you considered becoming an exchange student in Japan? When Katherine Henzell returned from her six week exchange visit to Matsusaka Girls High School to begin Year Twelve in 1993 she made significant changes to her future plans. She had de-
On Christmas Day a phone call fromJapan informed her that she was one of the five successful candidates - what a Christmas present! How is Katherine finding life inJapan? It's fantastic! She lives in a tiny flat with a western style bathroom close to the university. Kunitachi is a pretty area of Tokyo noted for its cherry blossom trees which line the avenues. The city has a feel of Paris with its boutiques and restaurants. Katherine has a wide circle of friends - Japanese and exchange students from all over the world - and a hectic social life which includes some activities associated with the Aus- tralian Embassy. She has received continuing hospitality from a range of host families with whom she has stayed. Apart from her university commitments Katherine is teaching English to supplement her income. Her spoken Japanese has blossomed and she has adapted to the demands of living in a very different culture with sensitivity and enthusiasm while being able to critically evaluate its social mores from an outsider's perspective. Most importantly, apart from missing family and friends, she is really happy!
cided to pursue her Japanese studies seriously at university level - not just as an adjunct to her law degree. She maintained con- tact with her host family and it was delightful to meet them on their visit to Australia in 1994. Katherine pursued her uni- versity studies with the dedica- tion and diligence typical of her but she was always diffident about the spoken lan-
Katherine trying on a kimono at a special exhibition.
guage. Katherine 's goal was to win a scholarship for a year's study inJapan. Her colleague and BGGS old girl Ingrid Hadgraft preceded her during 1996 and they kept in touch by telephone.
Katherine, herMatsusaka host mother and two apprentice geishas
Katherine hopes to extend her stay for another year if she can obtain a suitable university place and arrange a scholarship or income support. Then she will return to Australia to embark on a Masters Degree and finally get around to completing her law degree. The point is all her hard work and focus have paid off - she is having the time of her life! So my advice to you is: "Go north, young woman - immerse yourself in another culture and find - yourself. "
(L-R) Angela \Vi/son (EGGS Head Girl '94), Erica Yamamuchi (EGGS exchange student, 1993), Katherine, and another Australian exchange student at Katherine's 21st birthday celebration.
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