1997 School Magazine

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"A well-focused and musical group with sensitive and well balanced part singing. You held the audience's attention and created a lovely atmosphere with quality singing. " Once more under the excellent leadership of Leah Dobbrick and Emma Hutchison, the O'Connor athletics team bravely took to the track and field at Churchie for the annual Inter-House Athletics competition. Although not taking away the aggregate trophy this time . . . the girls did their ve1y best, and still managed to display that O'Connor charm and spirit for which they are so well known. Morgan Grainger, Sidney Cubasch, and Emma Hutchison should be congratulated on their fantastic performances which stunned the crowds. In particular Morgan's star performance was confirmed when she won the under 13 age champion and shared the trophy for school champion. The Junior and Senior Merle Weaver Competitions are yet to take place, but we are confident O'Connor will again display its enthusiasm in these events. As the year draws to a close, the O'Connor girls can be content with the thought that each girl has given her utmost support to her House. Under the leadership of a fine group of Year Twelves, we have achieved our goals, and have successfully introduced the Year Eight girls to a house noted for its enthusiasm, participation and broad base of talented students. The Eights have certainly become part of our family, and promise to be exceptional leaders in the future. A big thank you goes to Mrs De Leacy who has been a constant source of encouragement and support for the house as our Head, and to all the fabulous House Group teachers who are always so willing to help us with our goals. Lastly, thank you Year Twelve O'Connor girls for five years of greatness, great friendship and great support.

and the captivating display provided by the tme gymnasts, combined once more to demonstrate the diverse talents of the O'Connor girls. Under the capable leadership ofNicole Thomson and Leah Dobbrick, O'Connor gained second place in the Artistic and fourth in the Rhythmic. Freyr Patterson, Susan Low and Emma Hutchison once more charmed the judges with their routine, whilst the Dobbrick sisters, Kate and Leah, performed with the zeal of true athletes . Term two was also marked by the annual Inter-House Debating competition. After winning a series of rounds, with topics such as "It's better to be wealthy than wise", the O'Connor girls, represented by Catherine Chapman (120), Amanda Rowell (90) and Sarah Moore (80) made the finals . Under the guidance of school debaters, Emily Olsen and Freyr Patterson, and supported by a spirited Year Eight audience, the girls tackled the final round against England House, eventually taking out second place. These girls should be commended for the time and energy that went into participating in this brain teasing event. In Term three Milly Stendrup, Emma Lane and Jess Caffin set out to teach a highly motivated group of singers the tear-jerking song by Julian Lennon, "Coles Song". The girls went to great efforts aided by our lovely soloist, Collette Brehon, and Li-Fern Ong who was a gifted accompanist. The Year Nines should be commended for their excellent attendance at every rehearsal , as should Kellie Shaw, Susanna Crane, Catherine Chapman and Liz Downs, who also demonstrated their singing talents at almost eve1y practice. In particular Milly Stendmp should be congratu- lated for her constant devotion and excellent conducting talents! The adjudicator was thoroughly impressed with O'Connor's efforts, making the following comments:


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