1997 School Magazine
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I am sure that I will not be the only Lillian to look back on the 1997 school year with a glow of enthusiastic house spirit. The com- mitment and participation shown by each year level throughout the year has left each and eve1y one of us proud of Lilley and our enviable abilities as a legenda1y House .
amazing feat for the House as 1997 marked Lilley's first athletics victo1y in thirteen years! This victory en- capsulated the tremendous com- mitment and spirit of our Lillian athletes.
House Captain
Elin Charles-Edwards
House Vice-Captain
Arna Neilson
House Sports Captain
Emma Brand
House Sports Vice-Captain Antonia Davies
Many of our girls strutted their stuff on stage in the 1997 Lilley Drama production which proved to be a great success. We had the audience in tears of laughter and the adjudicators were impressed. We won first prize! Our contribution to the Interhouse Choral Competition involved a memorable ren- dition of "Somewhere Out There" which was an ex- tremely difficult but beau- tiful song. Again, our per- formance reflected enor- mous enthusiasm and en- ergy from all year levels. Mrs Mcconaghy took
1997 has been one of the most successful years in the history of the House. Excellent results were achieved in Drama, Swimming and Athletics and great efforts were made in the Choir and Debating. ·• The year was a sepsa-
tional one for Lilley sport. We started off the year with the Swimming in which we placed a fantastic third, prov- ing that we Lilley frogs are a force to be reckoned with in the water. At least one Lilley • girl frbm each year level achieved either first, sec- ond or third placings in the Age Championships. The Interhouse Gymnas- tics Competition came next. All year levels participated to a wonderful degree and the Rhythmic Gymnasts achieved an overall placing of second. The most outstanding of Lilley's sporting achieve- ments this year was our first place in the Interhouse Ath- letics Competition with the highest aggregate points.We also won the Individual Events Cup. This was an
leave of absence for the second semester of this year to join her husband who is working with the United Nations in Africa. Mrs J. Colwill joined Lilley as Acting Head of House in her absence. Despite the wide range of talents that each and every Lillian displayed in the Interhouse activities of 1997, the defining aspect of all Lilley's performances throughout the year was the way in which the House pulled together as a team. Lilley Legends Live On! Best of luck for the
years to come ..... .
ARNA NEILSON (Vice-House Captain)
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