1997 School Magazine
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"WE DO IT WITH STYLE" B efore one can assess the achievements of Hirschfeld this year, the unique qualities of the House must be understood. We strive for success with a spirit that is dis- tinctly Hirschfeld, team spirit full of individuality, unconventionally and conviviality. Throughout the
opportunity to showcase the art is tic and rhythmic talents of Hirschfe ld gymnasts at their peak. Our sta rs were artistic gymnast, Kate Farmer (1 lH) and Clarissa Allen (l0H). They were supported by an enthusias ti c and able team who performed well and scored well. Potential for the
Kate Achilles
House Captain
House Vice-Captain
Ali Farmer
Taryn Hagan
House Sports Captain
House Sports Vice-Captain Fiona Morgan
future here! On the other hand , the judges were just too bedazzled by the fabulous orange attire of the rhythmic team to award perfect "lO's" . Similarly, the Yea r Eleven hoop team were in entertainment mode, and captured the audience 's attention with outrageous costumes and an elegant performance choreographed to "R-E-S-P-E-C-T". And who could forget the outstanding Year Twelve entry of the
Interhouse events, competitions and activities, we bring new life and meaning to the concept of participation and reinforce the Hirschfeld ethos that "Whatever we do, we do it witb style!" A positive start to the year was marked by welcoming new members to the House with personalised balloons and "Fruit Bat" ice blocks. The Ye~r Twelves and Year Eights bonded at
country and weste rn rope routine? At the encl of the day, Hirschfe ld finished with some great individual scores and a team effort that was huge on style . Hirschfeld gathered together again, this time for the Interhouse Cho- ral competition, under the captaincy ofLeanne Day. In true, bright, or- ange house fashion, the choir performed "One Fine Day" in a rendi- tion that might even have impressed "The Chiffons". This re- freshed our spirit and gave us renewed en-
the beginning of an im- portant year for both. The first. full House event was the annual House BBQ which proved to be an enjoy- able, mad, crazy, or- ange afternoon. It was a spectacular success with such games as "pin-the-tail-on-the-ti- ger" and "find-the- lifesaver-in-the-orange- jelly". There was plenty of food and Ten Hirschfeld won the covetedMiss Hirschfeld award. Next on the agenda, and the first of the Interhouse competi-
ergy with which to train (mentally) for the Interhouse athletics. Hirschfeld's inner spirit at the athletics easily surpassed that of all our opposition put together. Taryn Hagan, our athletics captain, was everywhere with pencil and clipboard, organising and encouraging the troops . The sea of orange flowing over the Churchie oval throughout the day consistently urged competing Hirschfeldians to do their best. When the announcement was made that "in first place is Hirschfeld House", ecstatic cries of jubilation echoed across the oval. Despite the fact that this announcement was made early in the day, the warm feeling of success lingered and many photographs were taken in celebra- tion. For the last event of the day, the atmosphere that Hirschfeld had generated inspired our relay teams to a tied fourth place. Though it is true that the gleam of the drama, swimming, cross-country, gymnastics and athletics cup often faded from
tions, was the swimming. Hirschfeld dominated the pool (at various intervals throughout the day) sending the Hirschfeld cheersquad to their feet. At about the same time, the lnterhouse drama competition was unfolding. Laura Purnell, Hirschfeld's Drama Captain, was busily preparing for her staging of "Super Saver Store". One month and numerous rehearsals later, the cast did Hirschfeld proud with a fine performance and everyone achieving Laura's aim of "having fun". Great herds of Hirschfeldians completed the gruelling 3km cross-count1y course, with one in particular, Erin Lambert, making her mark. The rest of Hirschfeld tried hard to emulate Erin's winning race. However, competition was fierce . Eventu- ally, the House was well placed leaving a decisive orange mark on the 1997 cross country track. Into the year now and nicely warmed up for the long awaited Interhouse Gymnastics competition which was an
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