1997 School Magazine
@iris @nmnnar ~cbool :;Brisbane 1997 -------- ~ GRIFFIIB
F or Griffith, 1997 was a whirl- wind of success, fun, involve- ment and spirit! During the year Griffith House created an atmos- phere of cohesiveness, camaraderie and infectious fun. 1997 surely proved to each Griffith girl that par- ticipation by every girl at any level contributes to the success of the
gruelling 3 km course and eventu- ally were victorious by one point over Woolcock House. Sarah Bitomsky, Caitlin Marley and Sarah Splatt should be congratulated for achieving amazing individual re- sults on the day. Both the Year Nine and Ten house groups won their
Alexandra Moles
House Captain
House Vice-Captain
Claire Gobe
Zoe Arscott
House Sports Captain
House Sports Vice-Captain Fiona Manning
age group pennants and Year Nine Griffith earned the title for the best participation and achieve- ment by any house group in the school. Well done girls! The last week of Term Two featured the Interhouse Rhyth- mic and Artistic Gymnastics Competition. Some notable talent from the Year Eights in the Artistic Competition ensured Griffith achieved a notable placing. Sarah Davies and Rachel Emerson won the hoop routine for Rhythmic Gymnastics and clinched the title for Griffith. A first place in the Rhythmic Gymnastics competition was more than a surprise to most members of Griffith House! Term Three began with
entire house . Griffith's spirit at all interhouse activities and the willingness of every girl to compete in events have shown eve1yone that Griffith can maintain a high level of enthusiasm no matter what place they receive on the d~.Y- The year began by welcoming a new generation of Griffith Redbacks. Year Eight Otientation Day provided an opportunity for the seniors to show the new Year Eight girls trne Griffith spirit and style. In a typical Griffith way, the afternoon was spent playing games and eating red lollies! The House Party was the
first event in which Griffith was able to come together as an entire house. With scrupu- lous organisation by Nicole Gloor, the afternoon was an exciting display of interesting red clothing and talent. The annual Miss Redback Award, fresh with a new crown and cape, was won in trne style by Year Eleven's Gina Hicks . Pizza, lollies and the ice-cream game ensured Griffith girls were pumped up for the ex- citing year of Interhouse ac- tivities ahead of them. Fresh with spirit and loud
the arduous task of changing a group of reluctant Redbacks into a harmonious and tal- ented Griffith choir. Katrina Plant conducted Griffith Choir singing the inspiring song "We Are the World" by Michael Jackson. A special thank you must go to Katie Mendra in Year Eleven for her skilful accompaniment on the pi- ano. The last Interhouse event for 1997 was the Athletics Carnival which was held at Churchie. Fiona Manning and
Zoe Arscott, our devoted Griffith Sports Captains, hosted the event as Interschool Athletics captains. Both out of action with injuries, Zoe and Fiona did an amazing job of organising participants for each running, throwing and jumping event at the height of 'flu' seas.on! In 1996, as Year Elevens, the Seniors of Griffith planned a year of success, involvement, fun and spirit for all members of Griffith House in 1997. We have fulfilled our goals beyond our wildest dreams . For the Year Twelves, our days as Redbacks are numbered and we can only reflect on what has been an amazingly spirited and cohesive five years in Griffith. Griffith Seniors of 1997 led as a combined group with the unswerving support of Miss O'Sullivan as Head of House and "Queen Redback". Thank you for the part you have all played in making 1997 a great year. Long live the Redback! ALEXANDRA MOLES
warcries from the House Party, Griffith approached the Swim- ming Carnival with an air of sophistication. A wave of red washed over the Centena1y Pool when Griffith girls swam their way to an impressive fifth place. Proudly led by an eager cheersquad of seniors, Griffith made their mark on the first Interhouse event. Jill Guy and Sam Powell were given the demanding task of coordinating the 1997 Griffith Drama production. In what is always a hectic and stressful Interhouse activity, Jill and Sam led with calmness and creativity! Although our play, "Urbs Urbis" was not placed in the top three, it can definitely be said that an amazing performance by Claire Gobe as a caveman, ensured that our play was one of the most crowd pleasing on the night! Term two arrived with a jolt with the Cross Count1y competition in Victoria Park. Following a tradition of large participation in the cross count1y event, Griffith dominated the
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