1996 School Magazine
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Girls' Grainiiiar ^, chou1 113risbaiie 1996
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Girls' Gramiiiar :^Iconol jusrisbaiire 1996
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BROADENING HORIZONS. ............ 64
Kitsten Iacl< Memorial Leukaemia
A For a^ into Forestry
The Fysics Phor Phun Society
A Tribute 10 Dr MCCrae Grassie
Engiisli Faculty
The Boarcl of Trustees & Staff
Maths Faculty
Scuba Diving
Parents an <1 Friends' Association
Science Faculty
Theatre Dance
Social Sciences
Fathers' Clotip
Creative Thinkino for the Future
Moillers' GinLij)
Voluntaiy Service
To Limament of Minds
01cl Gills' ASK^ci"lion
Drama Activities
Peer Ttitoring
KaihleciT Campl)cll-Brown
Days of Excellence
Dolls 1.0uisc Townsend
Year Eight Collaborative Learning LOTE Olympics Outdoor EClticaiion
I'llyllis lollis;I Cannon
Q G. S. S. S. A. - Results
1'1'lentls. Net\\, o1'1< ing and Reunions ... 15
Q G S. S. S. A. Coaching Panels
'OIL1 <1ii'15" 1'1'0filccl
Foi'eigiT Exchanges Volleyball Tour
Q. G. S. S. S. A. 'reams
Gi'Gill-Gi';Inclc1;111gliiers of Old Girls ... 30
Glut-Gitiit Grandclaughter of an 01cl Girl
Waterpolo YeppooiT Trip
Club Sport - Results
Ski Trip
Club Sport Coachino I'anels
GlanddaLiglticrs of OILI Girls
Club Teams
Daughtci's o1' 01cl Girls
Pi. cfccis
An11nal Protectioit Society Debating
SILICICnl I{epicscniaiive Council
FoilT, al
Scliool Day
DLike of Edinburgh Awai'<1 Scheme. 104
Heatcl Girls' Report
TITe Chinese Choir
Economics Society
Fashioil Parade
GE. C. O
The Boai'ding Experience
Internei Club
The Tempest
Animal Faim
Valediciory Dinner
Student Achievers
Japanese Dancing
School Photographers
,~. .
Girls' 6rniiiiiiar :^, drool ;!artsbnne 1996
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At tlTe end of five years, we will allleave111e school to pursue our own dreams and desires. These five Years are a time in whiclT we ITave the OPPortLinity to expand and explore OUT ambition in a secure environment. Insteacl of bemoaning the expectations of effort and achievement, we should embrace the challenge presented to us: to set our sights even higher than we had before, realise those goals througli persistence and effort, and reward ourselves willT night Linimagined The following pages are filled with records of achievements of students, boill past and present. From prestigioLis academic accolades to me IlThership of 11Te 111OSIjunior sporting reams - all are documentations of responses to the clTallenge of OUT school environnTent Enjoy
Come to the edge, be sriid They s"td: We "re of raid COMe to the edge, he said They c",,, e be PMsbed them. .. a"d they/lean.
early every student of Girls' GraiTunar will, at some stage of her school career, reinarl{ on the challenge extended to iteT by the school to excel in all areas of ITer development. Sometimes these comments are accompanied by negative remarks about the ITigh expectations of the school coinnTunity 11 is ITtie that There is an expectation of achievement at Girls Grammar, this expectation I>eing that every girl should involve herself in TITe life of the school, and achieve to the best of ITer ability in any activity she chooses to Lindertake Often it seems easier 10 continue in mediocrity than to truly test our ability in any given area. it this course of action is pursued, we leave the school intich as we began: witlT the same limited ambition and the same SIin\ tinderstanding of ourselves and our abilities Girls' Grammar, Ilowever, witlT its first rate facilities and the value placed on ITiglT perforiTlan CG, prompts Lis to come closer to 'the edge' of possibility - to seek out and exceed what we imagined 10 be the limitations of our ability
MAGAZmE COMMTTTEE Kirsty Dodsworth
Rosanne Barren; Kathleen Bunte; Emma Cameron, F10na Gameron; Stephanie Hack; Fellcity Hanger; Fiona Lazar; Camin Main^ews; SatalT Monaghan; Sopliie Nevell; Eruily Street
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B"cfo Rot" (L-R): ,MIS S. 11ndg, '4/1. K. Bulke. F. H"jigei\ F. L"zdJ'. R. B"I, v!!. ,Mrs C. Kio//e Fro, ,t Row (L-R).. S. Jlfoiingbd!I. E C, lureroi!. K Dods!!'onb (Erti!o17. E Slite!. S Hnc* Abse"t. ' S. I\e, ,err. C. IVd!!belrs. F. C, !,"e, 'on
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61r15' 61niiiiimr :^^choul illrisbaiie 1996
$3^, ^. s^ A Tribute to Dr MCCra. .e Grassie, ONlyl, IlylA, MEd, St. and, PhD, FACE, EQXEA
he last day of Termlllwas a veiy special and ITTemorable occasion in tile life of both the school and Dr MCCrae Grassie, fondly It nown as 'Mac'. Staff 11ad spontaneously banded together anti organised a 1110rning tea for Mac an CIMary in recognition of 1115 enoriTTous contribution to The life of Girls' Grammar. Just a fc\\, weeks earlier, Mac discussed witl} ITTe ITis decision 10 retile its Chaii'man of the Boarcl of Ti'Listees because of ill ITealili. in 11is genuine and tinselfish 11}anner, whiclT is so
Following the evaluation, the school <1eveloped its first Master Plan and it was not long before we ITad our Memorial Outdoor Education Centre at Imbi1, 11Te Gehrmann teaching block and the Gehrmann Theatre, a number of ITew Science laboratories anc1 11Te beamning of technological developments with11T the school. CurtictiluiTT chanoes were also in evidence and as a member of the Board, Mac's input was invaluable In 1987, the theIT Chairman, Dr A S (Gus) Gehrmann, retired
appreciate <1 I)y 1111 of us, he fell tnni it \\, oulcl be Linfaii'10 111c schoolif he Continticc1 10 ITUld a place on 111c Board when ITc was IT() longer able to collii'Ihute as actively 10 its PIOceed- ings as lie 11acl in the Dust Alllit)uglT we all dis;Igi'cut1,11c persisted \Vlicii ITU 111'1'I\, ecl at the 511;111' Ccnii'e Mac was 1:1'CUIctl Iiy Ihc tradi- 11.11;11 1101c of I, agpipes, jincll, y 5,111, \\, 110, if noi di'CSSccl in 1:11'Tan, were it I lulls! SDUi'ling some 1/1/'11ic 10 Ills Scottish I'llckgi()111\d Milt: 111'5i came into 111c 111c o1' 111c school as
from the Board of Trus- tees and it is not sumi'is- ing Ihai Dr Grassie was elected, as its new Chair We were again in the process of developing a Masier Plan as part of OUl' decision to ITavG evolving, rolling and continuous <1evelop- merit. During Ilis years as ChairiTTan, we ITave seenlheiiTTplementation of technology right across the curriculum and the embracing of Enterprise Bargaining whiclT focuses on sup- porting staff profession- alisiTT an <1 continuous development. TITe de- VCIopment began with
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DJ' G Juls incOtie G, tiss!e relth fills H, 111cock
" 111,1111)ci of the Visiting Committee whicl} was establishecl in 1981 10 cullsider the Evaluation Report whicli parents, staff, silicicnts tintl past students of the school ITacl cleveloped o\, er a pel'incl ()I some eighteen ITTonths. Max Howell, the then I~leadint[SIGi' of Brisbane Grammar, incl ^econ]mended that I consider Mac for' suclT a task, a recommendation for whicll the sc1}o01 will forever be grateful. I well remember the very searcliing questions WITiclT he put 10 me during ITis interview willl the panel examiiTing our administrative structures. A1 the lime we were in the process of changing those structures from a ITieraichical to a more neteiarchical system whiclT in those days was something very few schools ITad even considered, let alone attempted in 1983, when elections for. the Board of Trustees were looming, it was not veiy dimctili for. the then Board to decide 10 put forward Mac's name for' consideration by the Minister for EClucation for one of the Ministerial appointments. Fortunaiely for the school the nomination was accepted and so began ITis long, committed and dedicated period of service To Girls' Gi'all}ntai
the rebuilding of the Library, an CIMedia Centreinio an intearated Resouice Centre whiclT is at 111e forefront of clevelopments in these areas, proceeded 10 the inclusion of this Centre into the larger Comintinicaiions Centre, and then continued willT The re- development of the old Auditoi'Iui}T - Gymnasium complex into a wonderIt11 Arts and OpeiT Learnino Centre; and finally CUIminated in the opening of the Sports Centre in 1995 in celebrating 111is event, the Board of TTListees was pleased to invite Her Excellency the Governor of QLieensland, Mrs Leneen Forde, not only to opeiT the Centre, but also to name it after 'MCCrae Grassie'. This was a ITiost fillino tribute to a man who ITas worked tirelessly for' The edticaiion of you ITg women within OUT comintinity. All In embers of the School Comintinity, I ain sure, now join willt ITTe in wishing both Mac and Mary all the best in his letiremeni. Pel'sonally, ITeITas become IT^, meritoi and my friend and I 1001< fom, ard to continuing the <1ialogue willl ITiiit in the years ahead
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Girls' Grainiiiar :^iconot ^}rtsbane 1996
Chairman, Dr M Grassie, OA. M . \IAN. Ed. .SIAnd. .PhD .FAG. E. F. Q. I. E. A. (to AtIgtist 1996) Chairman= Dr C Hitst, MB. BS. BEd. SI (September 1996) Miss E James on (Deputy ChaintTan). B. A. , L. L. B. (HDns. ). LSD. A. <0ctol>er 1996) R A Betnays Esq. , FC. A. (Hon. Treasurer) ^. I G Brown. M. B. B. S. (Qld). M. R. C. P. (U. K. ). F. R. A. C. P
Her Honour Iuclge M A NICMurdo, L. L. B. , As. DA Professor L Roseninan, B. A. . A, I. S. W. (Illinois). PhD
Principal Mrs Iudiilt A. Hancock. BSC. .Grad. Dip. ECl. Ad!nin. .M. F1iil. ,FA. C. E. .FA. I. M
Deputy Principal Miss Fellcity Williams, B. A. . BEd. SI. . MEcl . As. DA. , \I. ACE
Assistant Principal (Counselling) Mrs Margot Lynch. B. A. ,M. A. Ps. S
Assistant Principal (Administration) Miss Elkabeil\ Halton, B. A. ,Dip. Phys. Ed
Assistant Principal (Staff) Mr A1an Dale. B. A. (Hons). BEd. ,Dip. Ed. .B. TIT. .M. A. C. E
Faculty Heads= Eng"shi Mrs Rol>yn Golwill. B. A. , PGDA(Qld. ). Dip. T Sciences Ajiss Sally Stephens. BSC. .A, isc. Ed. (Disi. ), Grad. Dip. T. .Grad. Dip. Coinin. Coinp Mathematics: Mr Galy BTOmiley, BSC .Dip. Ed Social Studies= Mr John Warish. BSC. (Hons) Lonclon, BEcl. , Cert. ECl. (Li\, erpool). Grad. Dip. Lib. Sc Languages: Mrs Lotraine TITornquist, B. A .M. A. .Dip. Ed .MACE Health & Physical Education: Mrs Paulii\e Halvey-Shoti. B. H. Ms. ,Dip. T. (P. E. ) Resources: Mrs Ann Farley. BEd. ,Msc. .Grad. Dip. Resource Teaching, Dip. T . MACE
Heads of House Beanland: Mrs Lyi\ Chakravorty. B. A . Dip. T . Grad. Dip Lib. Sc England: Ms HeIen ForSIer. B. A. . BEd. SI. . Dip. Ed. . MACE Gibson: MTS 1 Grrrith: Miss Iai\ OSullivan, B. A. . Dip. Ed Hitschfeld, Ms Jan Siddle. BSC. . BEd. SI Liney: Mrs Manse NICConagl\y, B. A .Dip. T. .As. DA O'Connor: Mrs Roberta Kings. B. A. (Leeds), BEd. SI Woolcock= Mrs Sandra Bailcy. BSC. , Dip. T 5 ,=- Girls' 6rainmar ^!chou1 ;!3risbane 1996 ~., ^:^^ ACadentic Staff: Mr A1an Allinson, BSC. (Hons). Post Gind. Cert. Ed * Ms Iennifer Andrews, B. Ed. , Ass. Dip. Fine Art, Gind. Dip. T Mr Robert OverGII, BEcon. ,Dip. Ed Miss Shiney Patron, BSC. ,BEd. SI. ,Dip. Ed. (Leave Sem. D Mr Doriald Pincort, B. A. ,BEd. SI. ,Dipsec. T. (ATO, M. A. C. E Mis Debra Barker, B. A. , Dip. Ed. , BEd. SI Mis Lyndsay Basford, B. A. ,Dip. T. (Sec. ) Mr Paul Bennett, Grad. Dip. (Coinp. Ed. ), Dip. T A, h's Paincia Rhodes, B. A. (Hons), Dip. T Mi's Nicole Robbins, B. H. Ms. (Ed. ) Mrs Denise Ryder. B. A. . Dip. Ed Mrs Lynette Seckold, B. A. ,T. S. T. C * Ms Samantha Bolton, B. A. ,Dip. ECl. ,A. T. C. L. (SeilT ID Mrs Colleen Brady, THE. D. ,B. A. ,M. A. (Lib. Sc. ), A. A. L. I. A ' Mrs Kitsten BTOrs, B. A. . Gi'ad. Dip. Ed * Mrs Lynnette C;1511e. B. A. ,Dip. Ed Mrs Ienifer Chai'jus-Edwards, Msc. ,Grad. Dip. A1. Phys. , Grad. Dip. T * Mrs Iacqtieline Golwill, BEcl. , Dip. T Mrs 1 Mrs Vim ShariTTa, B. Sc. (Hons), Dip. Ed. ,Grad. Dip. Coinputer. Ed Mr Andrew Shaw, B. A. (Hons), M. A. , M. Sc. (Oxon), Dip. Ed *Mrs Am anda SIeffens, B. A. , Dip. Psych. , Dip. Ed. (Sem D lvh' ian SIuari, B. Sc. ,M. App. Sc. ,Dip. Ed Mrs Janelle Smart-Russell, R. N. , BEd A'Irs Anne Stubbing10n, BEd. (Hons)Sussex, Cert. T. , Grad. Dip. Res. / SLIP. Teach Mrs Yachiyo Takizawa, B. A. ,BEd. SI. ,Cell. T * Mrs Ajison TrapperI, B. Mus. ,Dip. Ed. ,AMus. A. (Terms I-111) Mrs Prtie Vize, B. Ag. Sc. ,Dip. Ed Ms Christ me Watt, Dip Ed(Secondary) Memorial Outdoor Education Centre Mr Tnn LanlTam, BEd. (Admin. Lead. ), Dip. T. (P. E. ) - Co- ordinalor * Ms wencly Hazell, B. A. , Glad. Dipsec. Teach A, liss Rebecca Co\\, arcl - Aide (GAP. ) - Semi lvh' I'era' 1 Specialist Staff= Mr Barry Greatorex, BSports Studies (Adinin. ) Grad. Dip. Out. Ed. , MssA - Sports Centre Managei Sister Gail Wheelwright, S. R. N. - Health Care Professional Mr John Rowell, B. A. , Grad. Dip. , Instr. Design & Technology, Tech. R&TV, Cert. Ind. Electronics - Media Co- Ordinalor * Mrs PanT BarrierI, B. A. - Archivist * Mrs MeIyl Papas, A1. Chor. (Hons), ARA. D. Solo Seal, ARA. D Adv. T. , As. AT. D. (Hons) - Performing Alls Music Staff Mr Andrew Iaivis, B. Mus. ,L. R. S. M. - Head of Band Prooram Principal Brass Teacher Miss Cartierme Milligan, MMUs. ,B. Mus. ,BALMus. A. ,ARC. M (London) - Head of String Program/Principal String Teacher Miss Emily Cox - Head of Choral Frograni (Tern, s I-11) Mrs ElizabeilT Wilson, B. MUSEd. (Q. CM. ) - Head of Choral Program Mr David Adelt, Head of Percussion Program Mr Tom Adeney, Classical Guitar (Private) A, Irs ElizabetlT Brazier Voice (Private) Mr Gerard Brown Piano (Private) NITS Christ me Byme 'Cello (Private) Ms Barbara Chaffe Recorder (Terms 11-IV) Miss Frances Farmer Flute Ms LealT Hoopei 'Cello (Private) 6 .,~~- if*; .-.. 6irts' Grainniar :^icon01 1111/5baiie 1996 , ,..". . .,.-r. ^;.^;^ Piano (Private) (Terms 11-IV) ACconTpanist (Terms 11-IV) Accompanist (Tern\ D Double Bass (TernTS I-11) Double Bass (Ternls 111-TV) Ms 1< archryn Sander Miss loanne Stranger A, Is 10die Schloss Mr Andrew Rootes Ms Marion Heckenberg Miss 1 Mrs Gabby Iaivis A, liss Annie Laver Mrs Bathara Lockwood Mr David Lo\, eland Mrs Andrea Messenger Mr Peter Nussey Mrs ILiditl, RelclTford Ms Tamara LLiski Bassoon Oboe Clarinet Electric Guitar (Private) Violin (Privaie) Recorder (Term D TITcory/Piano (Private) Piano (Private) (Tern\ D Flute (Private) Violin (Private) Saxophone * **,,.; ,*' V I 4 ^;\-.* A- , .!S;^. ;e , A ^; * a \ $; ,~ ? ~. I, . FF ~ lip' ^;if, .. , 4-1< *. C' " * I^^ ,... I }. I a, *- , ' '** ,* ; **;' ,, ,!t AC * * , -:*$t, . ~ ""'.: ' "'t$*\ * ^ *- * " a ..,:,,;, ;; , 1:14. ;-A. ,,' .;* 4' ,' ' 'f:;.:I. ' ~ ,"*', I . ,~ .., ",.,, . >: a* **I ,, ,i:I. . * , * * * ,. , . .- * a S * \,,* %*:;"?*,, *~..~ ~ , ^; > $ ~ ^^ a- *. ^ .~ . I J. ^ ^. ^ **! ,- ~-'.~ a \ , a , a ., ., . ? ~. e ^..^ ^;,, I ., ., ^ 53:; * ,.- ~ * *-J : ~ $3t', ,, ,, , 31. <1 ,*.. ., A -.. .. " ''*;;*?** *. .-, , -**~ ._**,*.,~ ^. I"*.,. ,. " , ,,~ - At*& ACADEMIC STAFF Back Roan (L-R): Juls P. ifize. ,1113 itI. 1,111i". ,Inks C. ,11^^/Ig, ill. '11/3 11. Gel'trg1, {11. ,Vi' A ./ni"Is. ,Wi' A. ,Ile/"Inc. ,\1131. Silld!t-RJisse// ,in'D Pillco!!., Wi'P. Belliieii. ,VJ'D Anal!. ,\nss. /. Del, 'ling/o11. ,1/1'./ Gorierall. ,111 N Ddri'sseJ, ., 1113 C ,1100it Fifth Ro, " (L-R): ,Ih\ L. man!'. ,11, s S. Fogdi'IT. .Vi\ A. nun, 11. ,In' I. G, w. I^. .. 1/1H. 51, "I"., Ih' I 5/11d, 'I. ,Ihs C wrt!!. ,Ihss L Drilley. ,\/r R 01. eit//. ,111 p. ,\10/1/'15. Jul A All^^!$011. I\ISI lien}jesttr. I\11 I. Roll'e//. ,\!13 I. Secko/,/ For, ,tb Ro, " (L-R): ,tl^^SI Lock!1.00d. ,IIJS C Ki'one, ,\113 S. Dicke!Is. ,lis S 80/10/1. Jins. / 0,111e. ,11/3 S Edt!,.(11',/s. ,Mrs T. ,/eLe, !cy. ,WISS 111. ,\{crldd, ,I I\113 S. Hn, /gif!/I. ,111:\./. Collri'\. ,\1131 Dnkin. ,\1131 Cl, dJfes-Ennui',/s. '11/3 L. ,V!ingoi!lei:I. . ,Ik K Biols. ,Ihs L Bd$/OJT/ Third Ro, " (L~R): 11/13 Y Tt!Altmi, n. '11/5s A. Dine. ,111'5 I. CdS//e. '11/3 V. Shin, ,Id. '11/3/. ,11017'I\. ,IIS K. ,Ifeck/eiii. '11/3 a Sillbhiiig!o11. ,\113 P .in 11pbJ'. ,IIJS P Rho, /CS. ,IIJs. V. PnPds. ,iris D. Rj. ,/ci'. .MIS C BIW4y. ,115 F ,Willph. y. .Tlis. / ON"71. ,IIJs/./!ISI. ,IIJs, V. Robhiiis Seco",! Ro, " (L-R): ,Vrs R Killgs .t/, 3.1. Sir/, We. '11/3,11. ,ticCoi!,!gh. v. '11/3 K. Kilnber. 1115 H F0,31er. 11/13 L. Cbnk, ti"or4v. ,Ihs S Bdi/e. v JTl^^SI. 051/1/1tnij F, '0"t Row (L-R). ,V, './ willsb. .MIS A Frillej. '11/3 L. n, on!qiiis!. 11/15s S SIepbeiis. ,Iriss E. Hnitoii. ,Un's F. willId, ,is. ,MIS. / H, 111cock (Pri'!IC"d/}. .\11'5, tl Lj. 11cb. .W!' A. Dri/e. ,tl!\ R. Cunti//. ,Wi' G. 8101/1/1fj, . ,Wilt P. 11ni'rey-Sho, t 7 61rlS' Grammar ^jamool ;jarisbane 1996 6^^ GENERAL STAFF Administrative Staffs Boarding House Staff Head of Boarding Mrs Elvie Parsons, T. S. T. C. ,Dip. HEc Mrs Rose Van Der Veen ' Miss 10dy Tilley Miss Tracey Newman * Mrs Christ me Janke Miss Nicole Moreland ' Mrs Kathleen Moffat Miss less Conoplia ' Mrs Kim Patterson Mrs Margaret Doherry * Mr John Pietzner, A. M Business Manager & Secretary to the Board of Trustees Assistant Business Manager (Accounts) Secretaiy to the Principal Enrolments Officer Secretary to the Deputy Principal Reception/Switchboard Secretary to the Business Manager Stores Supervisor Accounts & Payroll Clerk Accounts Clerk Clerk Miss To by Humble Miss Nancy GilmoLir Mrs Margaret Young Miss Iennifer Sinitli Mrs Jan Budgen Mrs Susan de Tassany Mrs Carole Hillon Mrs Colleen George Mr Parricl< Wilkinson * Mrs Jan King Catering Mr Ken Vieland Mrs Iudith Arkinstall * Mr Iiin Hemsley * Ms Kary Brauer ' Mrs Claire Bairy * Miss Susan Grant * Mrs Ienny Hill Catering Manager Catering Support Supervisor - Assistant Cook - Catering Support Catering Support Catering Support Catering Support Maintenance Staff: ancillary Staff (ACadeniic), Mrs Lynette Burgess Mr Ken Whyte Mr Robert Vooler Mr Russell Hilton - Hotise Manager Mrs Sandi'a ItIClTaxison - Library Assistant Library Assistant Grounds Supervisor Mrs Dian;I Bekessy Carpenter Caretaker Grounds Grounds Mr Robert George, Tech. R&TV, Cert. Ind. Electronics Mrs He leii Lanham Ms Care lones - Audio Visual Assistant - Laboraioiy Assistant Laboratory Assistant Mr Bob Riley Mr Geoff Austin * Mrs Iennifer Young Cleanei ' MTS LOTraine Brirton (Term I) - Cleaner * Miss Elvia Vizard(SenT D Cleanei ' Ms Maureen Riley Cleaner * Mrs Leone Doran Cleaner * Mrs Rita Smith-Panazzo Cleaner ' Mrs Bonita Lenham Cleanei' ' Miss Suzanne Aches on Cleaner ' Part-time Mrs Torii Reddacliff Miss Gillian MCHarg Mrs Sandra Cliffiths Mis Julie Bundy General Aide General Aide General Aide Genei'al Aide ''4. I' -*- .. C^ ,;^ 16^, ' ~:=. +$'F:,~, w': GENERAL SMFr Bach Row (L-R): M, ' G. AMsrin, Mr K. Wr'e!and, M, . G. Wheele!; Mr R. Voglei; M, ' K. Rossiler, Ms C. loiter F0"7th Roan (L-R).. Ms/. yo",?g, Ms B. Zenb"in, Ivy/. Earn?s, Ms M. Ri7qy, Ms L. Dor",,, Ms R. Srittth-Pangzzo, M, s D. Be&ess Tb, rd Row (L-R).' Mr B. Rilqy, IMSI. A1*install, Ms K. Bra"er, Mrs/. Blindy, Mi'ss G. MCHa, g, Mrs S. Ri'chardson, Ms S. Acheson, M, ' R. Geor e Seco"d Row (L-R).' Mrs C. Geo, ge, M, ' K. Whyie, Mr P. With^^$077, M, ' B. Greato, 'ex, Mrs/. Bt, dge", Mrs T. Reddac!if: Mrs I. 83, r ess, Mrs C. HITto Fromt Row (L-R): Mrs S de T'ss"ityi; Ms T H"inb/e, M, ./. Pi'@12ner, Mrs/. Hancock rel7',?cjp"D, Miss V. Gi'briour Mrs M. you, ? , Ms/. Stiltth , ,'*. ' Girls' Graininitr :^!chou133riSbaiie 1996 ;~', -,~. ^I^' Parents and linend. s' Association incorporated was lionoured to I>e elected to chair' The Parents ancl These projects includecl the air-conditioning of 111e staff Friends' Association Inc. , at the 43rd Annual General centre. provision of seating for the NICCrae Gi'assie Sports Centre ancl ntoTe recently 111e installation of the new teclinology learning centres wliiclT will I, e of enormoLIS benefit 10 staff and sttidents in ftittire years Later this year it is proposed that the girls' IOCl Meeting of the Association in \larch, 1996 The outgoing I'resident, Dr ian Brown, ancl Treasurer. Mr Bariy Kenman. sei\ed the Association well ancl the sound state *', ; I I V' 7 $.-.:*~ * }^, J ...* It I, "" * ~{ -, .;.,' *~. *~'- ~' '*.;*< . ' -*-*J' * , * 11 * \ If ~* * , I f*, . , ,,*" . I t * \\ .,\. \, ,:"* \, \ ;; 11 ** * .111\ I. 1,1750ii firciv!(, IT P , 17 diid ,W!' B C/, like (fitus!Ilei' P a- F1 of the Association ITandecl over to the new executive was in no small way a reflection of TITeir effort. The Association I\as again enjoyed a successful year of fundraising and fellowship Tl\e P & F shops are the engine Tooln of The Association's Wi Continue to LinCtion as success u y as in I re past or I re fLindraising and the ene i Lii ,I ,a *;,, f*;/\ ., .-, 11 11, , ..; ,}. I ~'*. I, .: 'it, I*,.':,,- ".. I:,.. SITop ancl book roOiTT Gna- ,;-;* ' " : jin\,. '~ .,'!/ I, , , :'~. ,-I. . ' , /~': .;'. ji . !-\. .; j{.,:. I ' :, .{,, :,. , 11 . I ' ' F1'&,\\{" , if -'I. ,'*'~ '!. ;,-,,,\,':,, 1'111*'.-' I*.,{ill, .' '11/1 '~ , , , . I^ * 11_- A' _*i. /\ ^ + it-':;- ,j' ' ' nancia >arse ant ITla ; ? ; L-R. . ,1/1', if fillci:*o11 IPI'esi, /e!11 P , F1. ,\{I',\I. Hobso, I IPI, sineiii Frill, ei:* GluingI. '11/3 I. D, fries IPIvsirlei!/ ,1101hei's ' GID!!171. '11/1* C PI!Iris IPI'e*v/,!,/ O G A I. I\113 I. H, 111cock IPI'111cj!,,!/). .111' B. HJiii/ei' (Plusiden/ F O G G I 9 Girls' I!Staminar ^ithool agrisba"e 1996 ~a^ BGGS I;'^thers' Group he BGGS Fathers' Group was again well supported during the year with good attendance at monthly meetings Three working bees were conducted at Imbil where the main activity was the erection of a timber security fence Working bees were also conducted at the school - to level the existing paving blocks in the school surrounds plus the construction of a pathway leading to a new stairway to be constructed adjacent to the MCCrae Grassie Sports Centre All fathers in the Group appreci- ate the opportunity not only to frat- ernise with other fathers but to learn first hand the happenings at BGGS The Group looks forward to con- tinued support in 1997 and the years beyond. MERV HOBSON PRESIDENT .\$: ^. I. . ,"^ ^ Not all bard work at Jinbtl! - Mr L Be bessy with Baudm, ',, and Haringb L@rib"in ,~~ .~ , Girls' 6raiiiniar ^chuot ajarisbaiiE 1996 ..-:~,- ~3.5^ Mother's ' Group Louise ITTo SI generously doriaiecl ITer fee to the school library for new books in August we were ITappy to nost a Pre-Eoniial function in the AtIditorium. Following this, three representatives of Moth- ers' Group and their Ilus bands, joined willT representatives of ur Group 11as again enjoyed a very happy and success- ful year with some new and varied activities addecl to OUT calendar We began willI the traditional welcome to new mothers in Febrtiary. in the same ITTontlT the Earners' Group assistecl Lis in nosting the Evening Reception to welcome new parents At our March nTeenng Mrs 91 the P & F, Fathers' Group and staff to attend the very suc- CGssful Year Twelve Formal at the Convention Centre OLir card and games day in September attractecl over 100 players who enjoyed a devonshire tea and gourmet basket lunch, as well as hav- ing the OPPortuiTity to PUT- chase items from our craft and cooking stalls On School Day in October we convened the craft and cake stalls. We were thankful for the wonderful support of Plannino is well under way for the construction and installation of two magnificent stained glass windows, whiclT will be donated to the school by Mothers' Group. The first, displaying the names and dales of the 14 Head Mistresses and a scroll to coinmemo- rate 120 years of education, will be installed above the door at the eastern entrance of the main building. The second much larger window featuring the portraits of the persons after which eacl\ House is named, and displaying the House colours will be positioned above the exterior entrance of the dining room We are grateful to Mrs Hancock for her continued support of OUT group and we acknowledge the generous help of many of the school staff I would like to thank the Mothers for their support and I particularly thank the hard-working committee whose conti'ibution ensured an enjoy- able and rewarding year JAN DAVIES PRESIDENT - MOTHERS' GROUP 11th111^ Maroot Lynch addressed us on the interesting topic of "Adoles- How Mothers can lielp! " Later in March we were privi- leged to be invited to preview the Brett White I^, Selected Graphics at the Jan Murphy Gallery CGncG consistently throughoutthe year producing some lovely items, the first of whiclT were for' sale along with plants and jams at ; ..;* The craft group has worked bit::j~"'tit delightful surroundings and the dell- CIOus brews of coffee provided by Ms Iudy Zenchyson Several days later we held a stall for students and staff at the school. We were most grateful to Mrs Sue French for' the donation of one ITer ever popu- Iar watercolours for our raffle in May Ms Sally Stephens, Head of the Science Faculty, spoke to us on "New Directions in Science at BGGS" OUT combined dinner meeting with Fathers' Group in June was addressed by MTS Ann Faney, who was assisted by Mrs Coneen Brady and Mr Paul Benneti Their topic was "Technology as a Tool in Education". Many parents were par ticularly impressed by the extent of communication technology. within the school At our annual fundraising luncheon at the Carlton Crest Hotel our Guest Speaker was former student and ac- coinplished journalist an <1 television presenter, Marie-Louise The Ile. The luncheon was very successful with ITTany ^ t ., * ~- A \*' . * f'. .,..* *"" *\*I'. ;t: t A * * ' f ,,,, , *,"~-*', \.'~ # *- ,* ^\ *- - ** :$. ,- -; . \\ the entire school comintinity The Farewell Morning Tea for Year Twelve mothers on the morning of The Final Assembly, and a Silver Service Morning Tea the following Monday ended our year's activities our Mother's Day Morning Tea on May 1st. This occasion was held at the lovely home of Rob and Nanette Morgan at Bowen Hills. Despite being one of the wettest days of the year its success was attributed to the selection of items for sale, The , ,';,. ,* ** a t V, ..\,*' , * ,,, t * ,!*. ,, jj4;;!.,, , .. .....- -.. r!'~'~ .':$i. .11-_ * ' \!, I:+v, , .. =. t .. *. * ~. , generous sponsors supporting oLn' multi-draw Tame. Marie- IT .~- , ;= =:I, 61rls' 6raiiiiiiar :^iconol ;!;Irish alle 1996 . *; a ..,~*- ^i. ^ Old Girls' Association than1< the immediate Past President Sasha ChenowetlT foi her contributions 10 our Association and all Committee members who are the backbone of our 21ctivities in any o1ven year My 111Tks \\, jilt 111e School are lily Mothei, Anna SIanlq, '35, Our year-about activity was a Fashioit Parade Brunch Ileld in the convivial surrounds of the Lyrebird Restaurant of Ihe Performing At15 Centre, in March. TITe fashions presented for the occasioiT were catwalked admirably by aiT age-range of our fellows sister Louise an <1 self 64 and 65 as Steind1, <1augli- let Anna 95; along with nieces Bitldy Steind1 '91, A1 our General Reun- ion aftemooiT rea ITeld in the Staff Centre in June, we ITacl the lionour of the attendance of Two particu- Iar old girls, Allce Richards (ITee Hoskin) an <1 NGll (Eleanor) Roan (nee Bam) A1ice complete her Senior in 1916. Mrs Hancock dartecl off and retrieved 111e Year Bool< to confirm that Allce was indeed, sec- ond in the year. She later taught at New England Grammar School and Morelon Bay Coneoe. Nell, wl, o was at the School in the 1920's walked each day froin her home, which * "q eat?- 41*. '~ ' ..~ ..--.,,..'., ** "" ;* . - .,, j;/** per $ s '. ; ,,!, n^'- 51n, 4$6 9 $4. odd'.-' i^j:11$-^I ,,,, 9 4. oddt , i^::'t6' ham^ - , $'1^!*->r;,***:$; : ~ ~ 1-1^;< I^*;,. * ' ' Andrea '95 atncl Me oarn ' ,i's\ Bremnei' 96, sisters-in-law g^;FF^"' ' ' ~ Robin '66. lielen '69, Pain !it^,: . 1:1^; ~. \. ,... \.;.:{;*,>a. ,.. ,\ .!. I . .^; '%.*- , '72 antl Rim's dauohier Nanntili 11'vine Year 8 OPCiT I);Iyis an OPPor- Lullii}, for' us to 11Take and leiic\\, 11'1cndships from till I I, I'jinc position on 11Te 5.1ii\ irisiclc E Block gate * illc;11' Inc Japanese Gar- a PI'arctice 15 gill" CLIri'ent parents di'op I)y to chat zincl beginning palents speak willT us in ~ ticn) That "old , -* \U~ , '*' , ,. -. ,, ^~-. ;$1, ~.~,,; ,/. J 41^^ * , ^ *- ^;I 1. :*21\ .*.\;:h, I *\ \,-* *^,^, , , ~,:*^. ~~. V' *. ,. was tlTe Homes lead at the Royal National AssociaiioiT (Ekka). We youngsters 1001< heart from their presence TITe topic of The occasion of OUT Anntial Dinner ITeld at the University of Queensland Staff and Graduates Club in August, was a presentation by Fellciry Williams entitlecl "Karhleen Miiford Liney - Woman Educaioi - Educator of WIGmen". Feliciry (old girl) has recently been awardecl lid. Masta' of Education Degree from Queensland University of Technology willT her thesis discussing Kaihleen Lilley. This presentation lived Lip to the expectation of "confirming some ideas, ancl casting new light". The evening was regarded by those PI'esent as most informative, enjoyable and a pleasure 10 be thei'e. We thank Felicity for accepting our invitation Your Association has supportecl the Friends of Girls' Gram- mar by attending and donating a framed water colour print of the school to their Annual Dinner in September To the harvest of '96, yoLn. thoughts and feelinos about Grammar will ebb and flow over the but coming years, remember that when the lime is right for you, your friendships can be rekindled IhrouglT your ITTembership of the Old Girls' Association Our appreciation 10 Mrs Hancock and all staff from whom we aain assistance otu' Linique role as an additional caring source of introduction to the Scliool We offei' for' sale our range of nTemorabilia sucll as water coloui' prints, mugs, pens, key rings, note cards and other treats TITc till ICOme of this year's AGM gives you the followino Coininiticc Niliiic Year 1965 1988 1956 1965 1975 1965 1942 1942 1967 1965 1965 1967 Mrs Cbristi, ,e Pm, "is Miss S"sb, , Chemo"Jetb Mrs DOJOtby Borng"tg"0" Mrs Syl"i, , Pegg Mrs D, '"",, Wood Mrs S"e Meeki"g MrsJe"" VCIlis Mrs Lyle Scb, "", tern Miss Lory, ,fine Chesters Mrs PC, " West Mrs PCMk, MCKeller Mrs S"eJord"" The Association holds the privileoe of an affiliation willT the National Council of Women of Queensland Inc. of which MTS Yvonne Bam is our active ITTember CHRISTINE FURVIS PRESIDENT 1.2 t, *I , ,=,, ~115^ Girls' Grainiiiar :^ithool a!arisbaiie 1996 KATEIEREN CAMPBELL-BROWN PROFESSEl. IR EXTRAORDINAERE A foundino ITTember of TITe Brisbane BranclT of the Alliance Francaise, Miss Campbell-Brown was also greatly in- \, o1vecl in Liniversii}, life outside TITe class- room. The International Federation of University Women claimecl I}a' interest, but she also ITelped develop the Staff and Graduates Club. The French Govern- merit honoLired ITer by appointing ITer Che\, ajier dans 1'01dre dLi Merite Na- lional in 1967. The University of Qtieens- land immortalised ITer by commissioning a cal\, ing of net ITead 10 add to the portrait sculptures in the Great Court Cicero wrote tliat "the life of those who are gone resides in the memoiy of the living". 11 is safe to say that Miss Campbell-Brown or, asl}erstuclents called her, KG-B, will nevei' be forgotten by GGS is proud to honour the memory of former student, t. \ Kaihleen Campbell-Brown, WITo maincu- latecl froiii this school with an Open Scholarship to the University of Queens- land in 1920 On gradLiating in 1924 witlT a Bachelor of Arts honours degree in classics, Miss Campbell-Brown taught Latin, Greek and Ancient Histoiy at this school for five years. On hemo awarded aiT OneiTt Line free passage to ELirope for' further stticly, she chose to go to France. and so changed her academic orientation. She taught Eng- lislT in French schools for some three dedicated years, GiTTerging as a Francophile. Henceforth, ITer passion was FrenclT language and literature and clas- siCs studies ne\, er f\111y reassertecl their fomTer interest \ , \ , *I J- .. . ., Kath/cell C, !lipbe//-8101t, 11 anyone she eve^ taught. or anyone who worked willT ITer Her friends will long remember ITer ITospitalit^ at the ITouse in Spring Hill where she spent nTLicl} of ITer life. Spring Hill, she insisted. was ITer Colline des SOLirces: the ITill of springs, nothing to do willT the season. Her students will remember a ITtily formidable personality, allnost ferocious in her passion for Frencl\ cultLire and correct FrenclT but capable also of great kindness Kathleen Campbell-Brown's loyalmes ran <1eep. in ITer will. she left a substantial beqLicst to her Alma Mater, Brisbane Girls' Grammar School. and we, the sc1}o01 coininLinity, are grateful not only for ITer material generosity. I)ut for her acknowleclge- merit of a long anc1 1< indly ^GineitThered association willT this SCITOOl Miss Campbell-Brown returned to Brisbane and was ap- pointed to SI Margaret's Anglican Girls' School as French Mistress. in an era when ITTany learnt to read and write fluently but coulcl not ITTake themselves tinderstood in Their spoken language. she introdLiced a direct ITiethocl of IaiTguage teaching WITereby her SILidents learnt spokeiT French FroiTT SI Margaret's. Miss Campbell-Brown went on to the University of Queensland where initialI\, appointed as a tutor, she was Liltimately a senior IectLirer in French. Her Grithtisiasm for ITer subject Iecl to 110' imposing ITigli standards on ITer SILiclents, w^To were expected To alln at noriling short of perfection DORIS LOUSE TOWNSEND (WARAKER) Girls' GranTmar School 1908 - 1910,111en 11nder The leadership of 1.1iss Ivlilisent Wilkinson. Tennis was actively encouragecl as a sport at this time and when Miss Wilkinson diecl she left a ICOacyio the Schoolwith specific mient - "so that ITer girls 11Tight become good tennis players". Indeed, Dons gamecl ITer 10\, e of tennis at TITis lime. in 1929 she said, "I went to the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School an <1 ITad the happiest, gladdest childhood any girl ever ITad. I was always writing verse about tennis or the cricket and football teams ITTy brothers played in. Sport was "it" to Ine. heIT Dons Louise Waraker cliecl in 1995, she niade a most generous bequest to botlT Brisbane Grammar Schools. 11 was no ordinaly girly net wishes for' its deployment leiated specifically to ITer owlT schooldays and to those of liei brother. Norinan. At BGGS she Ilas chosen to encourage the writing of verse an <1 tile game of tennis offering prizes for both for a student in Gracles 8.9 or 10. At BGS 11}e emphasis is slightly I, Toader and seeks To promote academic ability couplecl with allTletic promise Born in Gay, ridalT in 1894, Dons Warnker attended Brisbane 13 ~- - ,=, Girls' 6rammar ^iconol agri5biiiire 1996 ,~ ~a^ 11 is not known who would have taught EnglislT 10 Dons, but her flair for poetry was recognised at an early dale and some verses were published in the School Maga- 21ne (wllICIT did not commence Linti11913) after she left School. Her writing career began willT coiTtriburions to local and southern journals and in 1928 Dons pub- lished ITer first book of \, erse, Soilgs ofSt!, I and Shado" lis shadow is tile constant and poign- ant reference 10 Dons' brother, Norman Waraker. NormalT ITad attended Ihe Boys' school, \\, here ITe was an outstanding athlete, being 100 yds chaiiTpion in 1908 and 1911, and a member of boilT the first crickei and football teams. in It11y 1915 Norman volunteered for' service in World War' I and was 1< illed in action near Ypes, to suppori the prize financially, and has now ensured its continuance as well as founding a scholarship for. a boy who is boilT academically and athletically prom- ISIng Dons also wrote several one-act plays Sriui'Iled Rein/jolts, a comedy of family life, was performed at the Playbox the a- ITe in Sydney in the late 1920's, and 7be Big 71,111gs was placed fourtlT in a local drama competition, where it was vying with works by established play\\, rights such as George Landon Dann He I' career event\Iany centred around journalism, and she acted as Film and Drama Critic for Ihe Bi. !'sbc!ne Teleg?zipb newspaper Lintil her retirement. Dons married Lewis Townsend, and the prizes will cany bonT her names, the Dons 20 \. f in? I' *t^* ' * : j; "j, '".* e . _ \g;, 21. . .,, ". -.\, i .\- lit \* Q, Do, 'is Louise TOM, Isend Septeml>ei' 22nd, 1917. The family, devastated, immediately endowecl a prize for athletics in ITis niemory. Dons continued Townsend (Waraker) Prizes foi Tennis and Lyric Poetry PHYLiJS LoinsA CANNON (1926 - 1996) a ^,^' 11yllis Cannon boardecl at Brisbane GII'Is' Grammar School from 1940 Linti1 1945,1101ding the position of Head Boar Phyllis was a very private and inde- pendent person, w^To despite ITer battle with a terminal disease, maintained ITer dignity and independence Lintil the very end of ITU' life. Her great love of the school was clemonstrated in Iler wislT 10 leave a bequest for. the ftiiure benefit of the school community " . *- I~~~ *- t*,> ~ \~,\ ^. it. , \ ? \** \, \ VALDA E. RIDGEWAY ^,, sunT of $10,000 to be invested by the Board of Trustees of the Schoolro enable a scholarship to be known as The PITYllis THE ESTATE OF P L CANNON In June of this year we were advised that Miss PITYllis LOLiisa Cannon has passed away on 30 March, 1996 and had left a . Phi'11^^ 10/11'sd Cd, 1110/1 "* I roany returned to Brisbane to take Lip a position willT the Queensland Spasiic Society and the Mater Hospital. Her work at this time also incltided lecturing at her former University Her fondest memories of boarding at the school were of Sunday walks witlT the (the IT) Headmistress Miss Liney to All Saints' Church, and she enjoyed the opportunity to pursue ITer hobbies, inLISic and embroidery, within the school environ- merit Cannon Scholarship 10 be donated to the senior student mainculating to the Science Department of the University of Queensland 10 pay the income therefroitT to That student during her first year at University to assist her generally and 10 maintain that scholarship as long as the Board of Trustees thinks fit and after SLicll time as Ihe Board of Trustees decides o11Teiv. ,ise to pay the net proceeds of the investment to the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School for' suclT purposes as the Trustees in their absolute cmcreiion shall decide 1.4 -J. .,. . *.. Girls' 6raiiimar :^icon01313risbaiie 1996 ..~- 53^ Friends, Net^!^70.1'king and Reui',.. ions diLinT of memories an <1 life experiences is produced; copies of these Inake welcome additions to our Archival ntaterial The sc11o01 Ilas also been active in promoting interstate Old Girls' reunions. in nTid-NovenTber last year, a Sydney get- ne of the most interesting things about being associ- ated witl} an institution as old and well-established as BCGS is coming into contact will} 111e large number of 01c! Girls and others in the comintinity who ITave been associated witlT the school. Tile school tries to maintain its links willI its suppoiters together was arranged by Lyndal Mayne at the Uni- vetsity and Schools Club; it was determined by the par- ticipants to n}ake this event an annual one, In A1ay, Iudith Durbridge provided generous hospitality for a reunion in Adelaide which was attended by the Princi- pal, ItIdith Hancock. In June a large gathering was ar- ranged at SIqphdii!'e\ Res- mill'dii! in Melbourne with the assistance of Kay Stewart and ITer litoiher, Kath Smelt. Almost fifty woinei\ attended this ITappy function; ages ranged from inId-eighty to eighteen with through a nLimber of agen- cies and activities: the Old Girls' Association, the Friends of Girls' Grammar, and reunions, meritonng networking activities. Not only do we hope to encour- age goodwill and fellow- ship but also desire to cher- ish Qin' traditions and CGI- ebrate our past. in essence we seek to promote the education and ad\, ancement of our present students and recent animnae through The development of a support networl< which encom- passes present, past and future nTembers of the school community ".^-... . -:@. , ^ IF. * **.$;;? * ~~ ",, - I <1>. ~*! I * \ 11 ^;, it" I \ $ . * } ^ %* \L, ,,, ,.. \~\ * I ^,, .,~ Ale/bo!,, lie two of our nTost recent Old Girls who are presently studyino in Victoria - ElizabetlT Hewitt and SatahJane SL Clair, Head Girl in 1995, attending. Friendships, mentoring and networking con- tacts were re-esiablished or initiated as a conseqLience of all these meetings. FLITther Tetinions are planned for the future - especially 10 cater for our maru, past students in provincial Queensland As is customary, a nunTher of class reLinions I}ave taken place tills year, 10 commemorate the ten, twenty and forty year groups. A very popular segmcnt on these occasions is the tour of the facilities of the school - often accompanied by gasps and coiniiTents of 'Why <11dn'I we have this when we were at school?', or 'Reinem- bet what this TooltT was like? Lool{ at it now! ' Sometimes, as was the case this year will\ the Senior Class of 1956 a wonderftil coinpen- V I\ ,q, ~ ,*,. fu FELICITY WILLIAMS CHAIR, FRIENDS NETWORKING COMMITTEE \ t\ .- ~~'.. L *./ \ *I ",",. $*, 14 a. , ^ ~ .- , 11 ,;t I \q As ,^ .. *' * A * J * , , ~ - *.- ,. f ,~ * * r 44; * I, , , ; ':*., I* , * 4?t' */ 20 yed, ' Relini'o17 lS
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