1995 School Magazine
6irlE' @ranmnr Scbool lGridbenp 1995
\VJhat could be a better form of assessment than standing W i,r a room and yelling at each other for four clays? At least that is what we thought when we found out about the assessment for our unit on Revolutions. A11 classes were to make their own court of 1aw and put Louis XVI on trial for treason. Role sheets were given out ancl most people set their hearts on being Marie Antoinette. After a1l the parts were debated, chosen or simply drawn out of a hat we hit the library. Barristers hid their cases from each other while those with other roles thought they were complete idiots for taking it so seriously. By the end of the research week there were some barristers suffering from acute paranoia, judges who were bored after doing all their research in the first lesson, Marie Antoinettes driving everybody crazy trying to perfect their French accents, witnesses ready to kill their barristers who didn't have enough questions for them and the other roles still thinking everyone was nuts. 'We cross now to one particular class for a case study - 9C. As the Monday came the tension was rising. Dead sure they would win, the Prosecution wondered how the Defence could ever think up a case, while the Defence wondered the same thing, but thanked their lucky stars they had a day longer to pfepare.
PONDER ON TONGA Back (I-R). A. McElrea, R. Hendersctn. A. Tranberg, E. \Yilson, R. A'lssen. ,9. Emerson. Front:MrJ. Walsh Eve \7i1son and Rowan Henderson, with Mr \fla1sh as a teacher advisor. Before the CHOGM meeting was held, a synopsis of information was required to be submitted containing informa- tion about the political, economic and social situation in Tonga and the major issues facing the country. Then, on the day the meeting was to be he1d, four students and a teacher, who was running 1ate, arrived at Padiament House minutes before the meeting was to start. Following a welcome by the Governot, Her Excellency, Mrs Leneen Forde, the Head of State fol each country gave a brief presentation. Morning coffee started well with the participants accidentally consuming the contents of a table laid for another conference. Once the confusion was over it was tirne for the rest of the countries to give their presenta- tions. The time allotted lor h-rnch gave South Africa, or Boys' Grammar as they are more commonly known, a chance to rally support for the creation of a lree trade agreement among a number of the countries. Many tricks were applied including the promise of a box of chocolates each for our unwavering support. I can glad1y say that w-e didn't entertain this concept and instead, during the discussion group and following plenary session we formed an allreement with the Bahamas to pledge our acaclemics for research into a cure for AIDS. The student CHOGM was a wonderfr-rl experience for al1 those involved and thanks must go to Mr \falsh for his devotion to the enormous organisation and pleparation that was required for the event. Part of the preparation included the chance to meet ancl talk with a native Tongan to discuss the delicate balance Tonga is trying to achieve between the influences of -Western culture and the traditional Tongan culture. It was extremely valuable to be able to take part in a meeting which is run so closely along the lines of a real Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. Thele is no better way to understand and learn about how cliplomatic relations and an understanding of cultural diversity between nations is achieved.
The history room on the first day was a sight to behold. Lawyers dressed to the nines as well as costume-adorned witnesses waited in earnest for the trial to begin. It was then many people noticed we were minus a King as the role sheet had left him out, so the court was trying someone who wasn't there! Two of four barristers made their opening speeches and the first witness was called. This provided an opportunity for
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