1995 School Magazine
6irlg' Grnmmer Scbool tBridl,ane 1995
WRITER IN RESIDENCE ue Gough, oul 1995 \Writer in Resi-
dence, has many and var- ied talents as a profes- sional writer. As well as being an author of a wide range of fiction and non- fiction works, she is a jour- nalist and editor, a theatre critic and book reviewer. She also has done travel writing and has been to a range of exotic places in- cluding the Pacific Islands, Borneo, and even the iso- lated kingdom of Bhutan in the Himalayas.
Our students not only gained new insights into the creative writing process, but also had the opportunity to produce work of their own, some of a quality that impressed the touring writers to the extent that they recommended submission for publication. The students also cleady enjoyed the opportunity to engage in the dynamics of gender invoivement and co- operation, and the workshops proved both productive and enlightening. EXTENSION ANID ENRICHMENT \Zear Nines were treated to an informative and interesting I session with the author of Dougj,t, Jim Moloney, a teacherlibrarian at Marist Brothers College. The girls were intrigued to learn about the events, experiences and people that Jim wove into the fabric of his award-winning novel. This contact with a "real author" of distinction brought a richer dimension to their study of the novel. Many girls were inspired to read the sequel, Gracey, which has also recently won acclaim in Children's Book \(eek. Steven Herrick, a performance poet, enthralled his audience of Year Tens with his verse and explanations of the creative process. The girls were surprised to find that poetry could entefiain as well as confront social issues. Through this visit, many were forced to aclmit that poetry was accessible ... and fun ... and proved it with the purchase of his anthologies.
There was an extremely high leve1 of student interest and participation in the program this year, with nearly one hundred students from Years Eight to Twelve availing themselves of the opportunity to work individually and in groups with a profes- sional author, who was favourably impressed by the standard and talents of our aspiring young writers. The Year Elevens also benefited from a Level seminar conducted by Sue Gough on the reading and writing processes. AUSTRATIAN WRITERS' TOUR WORIGHOPS Jn March, eight of Australia's most dynamic young writers, Itouring nationally under the auspices of the Australia Council, held a series of $i/riters' \Torkshops at Brisbane Girls' Grammar School. Approximately a hr,rndred aspiring young writers from B.G.S. and B.G.G.S. attended the combined activities organised by the English Faculties ol both schools.
The presenters, all published poets, play'wrights, scriptwriters or novel and short story writers, were Lisa Jacobson, Anthony Lawrence, Mark Svendsen, Matt Rubinstein, Jr-rlie Hunt, Glyn Parry, Robin Davidson and Megan Reclfern.
(I-R): Debbie Lauritz, Bdrbara McKa!, Steuen Herrtch, Sharon Wouda and Louise McCormack.
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