1995 School Magazine


GirlE' @r8mm8r Srb00l Grisbane 1995

Tn lulv. the BCCS team ol Miranda Siu, ISrrnn Cauvin ancl Tashen Dromcy repre- sented Queensland in the 1995 Australian Schools Fencing Championships. Not onlywas the team placed third, but all three girls also reached the individual finals. The three were also selected to represent Queensland in the Under 17 Girls Foil in the Australian National Under 17 Championships, under the captaincy of Tashen Dromey. Tashen's performance in fencing this year has been particr-rlarly outstanding. Her partici- pation and success in national competitions over the past twelve months have resulted in the Australian Fencing Federation ranking her

Although faced with three or four fwo-hour training sessions each week at the University of Queensland, Tashen asserts that this demanding 1eve1 of commitment has only enhanced her love of the spor-t. Tashen took up fencing at the age of eleven and stunned coaches and officials by winning her first major title just six months later. In addition to Tashen's ambition to continuc fencing at an elite level, she also possesses some serious academic aspirations, hoping to attend University and str-rdy medicine. In a life crowded with activities and interests she has also managed to find time to study the ciassical languages and literature of ancient Greece and Rome and tcr distinguish herself as a musician. In the recent

number one in both the Under 15 Girls Epee and Foil, and number tlvo in the Under 17 Girls Epee and Foil. Her excep- tional accomplishments were acknowledged earlier this year when Tashen was selected for inclusion in the National Austral- ian Jr-rnior Squad, an elite group of fencers being primed and trained for the Sydney 2000 Olympics. MAfiIEMAflCS QTIIZ 'Th" 1995 Pacific Coal QAMT Year 8 Mathematics Quiz I Team consisted of Li-Fern Ong, Lathika Vithanage and Rebecca Deslandes with reseles Rachel Olive and Alexandra Gillies. The effort and time that they spent in preparation for this competition was commendable. In a closely fought competi- tion, they tied for second place. Thelr excellent score could have won the competition in previous years.

National Latin Exam she was awarded a Maxima Cum Laude certificate and a silver medal. I have no doubt Tashen will achieve whatever goals she sets herself. This is one focussed, self-possessed and undeniably talented young woman. NICOLE GAFFNEY


T7 aren Dancer's mathematical A.ability was highlighted as early as Year 7 when she was awarded a medal in the \Testpac Mathematics Competition. She subsequently won medals in Years 8 and 10, and a prize in Year 9. In subsequentyears she has blazed a trail through a range of mathemati- cal competitions including the Math- ematics Challenge (Certification of Excellence, Years 8 and 9) and QAMT Mathematics Competition (first in Queensland, 1994 and 1995').

The Mathematical Olympiad, entered by invitation, involves two four-hour papers. This year, Karen was placed second in her age group in Queensland, and seventh overall. Also by invitation only is the Telecom Mathematics Compe- tition (run by the Mathematics Olympiad Committee). Karen was invited to sit in 1994 when she was awarded a Certificate of Merit. This year, however, she received a Certificate of Excellence. Consistently the top Mathematics student in the school, Karen also has an impressive record in the Science Faculty. It seems only appropriate, then, that she should be awarded a University of Queensland Civil Engineering Department Prize for her achievement in this year's QAMT Mathematics Compe- tition.

YEAR 8 MATHEMATICS QTNZ Standing (I-R) R Oliue, A. Gillies. Seated (L-R): L F. Ong, R. Deslandes, L. Vitbanage


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