1995 School Magazine
6frlg' Grammar $rbool ruridhane 1995
The Board of Tnrstees rgg4 - 1gg8
DR MC CRAE GRASSIE OAM, MA, MED, PHD, FACE, FQIEA Cbairman of tbe Board Former Director of tbe Tertidry Education Institute at tbe Unit)ersity of'Queensland
MR RICHARD BERNAYS FCA Clbairman of tbe Scbool's F-inance Committee Accountant and Companjt Director
DePutt- Chdirm,an ctf the Board C h an c e I I o r oJ t h e Qu, e e n s I an d [] 11 it) ers it y oJ"l'e c b n o I o gy Director o.f tbe Wesley Brer.tst Clinic Queenslander ctf tbe Year
MISS ELIZABETHJAMESON BA, LLB (HONS), LSDA Findnce Committee Member .Solicitor
DR IAN BRO\X,"^{ MBBS (QLD), MRCP (IJ'K), FRACP President oftbe Parents E Friencls Association Chest Pbysician
JUDGE MARGARET MC MUR"DO LLB, ASDA Boarcl Representatiue on School's Worhplace Her,tlth and Safety Committee District dnd ChilrJrens Coutt.ludge
PROFESSOR LINDA ROSENMAN BA SOC wK (Sr.D), MSw (rLLrNOrS) pHD (VASH v) Prokssor cf Social Policy ( Uniuersity oJ Queenslancl) President of tbe Acadentic Boctrcl (Uniuersitl, of Queensland)
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