1995 School Magazine
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Dear Mum, Dad, chooks, horses, dogs, cattle, sheep, etc., \{re11, I've nearly sulived a whole year at Girls' Grammar and have not yet been poisoned by the food, stlangled by fellow- dorm buddies, or been in hospital n'ith a nervous breakdown. Quite a few exciting tl-rings have happened here this year. \(/e'r'e had two social evenings with Churchie and Boys' Grammar, n'here we had a chance to meet some other boarders.
Trinity Ry.tn (L) arrcl Kellt- Saunclers
Yes, we have been to Amazons, Year Eight boarders' camp and a clorm ollting to the ice-skating rink, with tl-re lovely and beautifll Tlinity Ryan (our dorm senior). Ve also stood out f'ar above tl-re rest with oul fabulous Miss Fr.rnkv in the Miss Borlding Horrse Comperitir.ln. Right now-, people have taken r-rp the Gymnastics craze, and
you can't w'alk arouncl safely without someone doing a hand- stand up against yoll. Crikey, to think how scared I was about corning here. Remember the first night? I didn't have a clue what was going on. But now I've settlecl down and have fifteen new friencls, so everlthing is pretty gnarly. Ve1l, I must be ollto Plep to strain myself, toiling away, just for you. Lots of love. yor-rr terrific daughters, Penelope. Alex D. Anna, Candice, Hannah, Nicole, Lr-rcy, Ke11y. Jayde, Sarah, Melissa, Tory, Katie, Alex G, Caroline, Phi1lipa.
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