1995 School Magazine
@irls' Grammar $cbool @ridbsne 1995
Head Gids'Report
I]rom the very first day of the 1995 school year, we, lwo I very determined Head Gir1s, though nervous in anticipa- tion of what was to come, aimed to retain and uphold the outstanding and infectious Gramrnar 'spirit'which has r-rnfail- ing1y, over the past 120 years, inspired so many of its students.
As a way of fostering good relations between oLu two schools, especially as we share 120th Anniversaries this year, the senior class of St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace invited the senior class of Gids' Grammar to an informal barbecue, at the beginning of Term Three. The afternoon was very success- ful - particularly the basketball match. Joint Prefects' ventures have also been held with BGS at various times during the year. Early in term one, we embarked upon the YMCA School Leaders' Seminar at Petrie, with the Head Boarders and the House Captains. The camp prepared us extremely well for the yeal ahead, and it is certain that the cohesion portrayed by the 'Grammar gids' had a lasting impression on the St Columban's First Rugby team, when we blitzed them in the warcry competition. The success achieved at Petrie heralded the commitment to school life which the Year Twelves continued to display during 1995.
(L-R): Mrs Hancctck, Caitlitt Hunter, Sarab-Jane St Chtir, Angela \X/ilson and Isobel Royston ('Head Girls 1991) rVhen reflecting upon this year's experiences, we realize how privileged we are to have led the school in such a successful and exciting celebratory year. The highlight of Term One was undoubtedly the opening of the McCrae Grassie Sports Complex on 15 March, when guests and giris were treated to spectacular displays of rock-ciimbing, gymnastics, theatre dance and aerobics. Also, the Senior Or- chestra performed superbly during the ceremony, to give an almost magical quality to the day. It was an honour to welcome Her Excellency, Mrs Leneen Forde, to the Opening, as well as Dr Grassie and his family. Just five days prior to this event, the Old Gids'Art Show was opened to commemorate the launch of the newly refurbished Afis Centre. The evenlng was greatly enjoyed by all. It was to our delight that we were again given the opportu- nity to speak with Mrs Forde dr-rring third term, when we were invited to attend a reception lor School Captains at Government House. Several similar functions were held throughout the year, and we found it to be a particularly beneficial experience to converse with other GPS and QGSSSA Captains.
The Year Twelve fashion parade clearly epitomised just how spilited the seniors could be. This enthusiasm continued at a high level into second semester when there was overwhelming response from seniors who wished to be part of the 'School Day Committee'. School Day promises to be a culmination of a lot of hard work and commitment. Cohesion within the Year Twelve group has become stronger as the year has progressed, perhaps due to the introduction of 'Year Twelve meetings', at which seniors may speak freely about issues related to school and community 1ife. Although suppolt from the Year Twelve body has been extremely strong and consistent throughout the entire year, the younger grades cannot be ignored. Special mention must be made of the Year Nine Boarders, who always seemed to find time to cheer for the school, from under those infamous blue beanies! The school year has once again been flavoured with many enjoyable Interhouse activities - one of the most memorable being the Athletics at Churchie. Competing in such an environ- ment was relaxing, and the girls enjoyed seeing some 'stray' boys being sent back to class.
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