1995 School Magazine
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@irlg' Grsmmar Stllool /Ericbane 1995
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DAUGHTERS OF OLD GIRLS Back Rou (I-R): P Ring (5. Roper), P. Papas (M. HLgbes), S.'West (P. Arkell), K. Bentley (A. Farquhar), A.'Williams (J. Steuart), S.Estttlck(N.Euans),R.HungerfordU H.t4)eD,K.BuckleQ.Eduarcls),S.Frencb(S.Lansbury.),J.Guy(S.Fraser).K.Bcturne(S.WebbeD, T. Tweeclclale (.M. Colledge), B. MacGilliuray (H. Anderson), B. Kildey (J. Nicol), A.Jordan (5. Squire), K. Plctnt (5. Nctswortby) Sixtlt Roto (I-R): A Porter U. Casb), J Haryis (V. C'allanan), F. BtLsbell (iutbrie (V. Trapp), S. Lou Q. Farquhar), A. Chapman (H. Campbell), ./.Meluille(S.Qttintner)../.Scott(L.McC'ullougb.),K Bigblt(A.Sotndford),G.Grilfiths(P.Kennedy),J.Purcett(.B.Turner),N Pegg(S.G6ulton), A.Gutteridge(J Plaisted.t,M.Crane(C.KelU),M.Brett(L.Gooma),J.Rigby(L McLeod).N.Stephenson(E.Vincent),A.YorkQ Inglis) Fffilc Rottt (I-R): M Coulishau, (G. Flook), P. Janris (E Caty), K. Mccratb ('P.Sanderson), E. Sbielcl (A. Mawsctn), J. Truss/er (J. Baynes), E. Ernst (R. Wdlters), A. Meeking (5. O'Brien), A-L. lYatkins (f,I-A Fitzsimnxons), E.'d/est (A. Marks), E. Matriott (J Sellarg, A. Mttrriott (J. Sellars), M. Adam (8. Howell). K. Hctclgkinson (.M. Reuie), J. MacGilliuray (H. Anderson), N. Galfney @. O'Reilfu, C. Hunter (H. Scott), O. Radbottrne 0. Gfimison) Four-tb Rou (I-R): 14. Smith Q. Xleluin), L. Dauis (P. Dauis), F. Langl'ord (L. \.valker), M. Hamilton (F. Reath), A. Puruis (C. Steindl), J. Hillhouse (M. McKenzie), K. Gilmore Q Vctigbt), C. McDonald G. WrighD, J. Wissler (I. Crofts), A..Jell ( Miller), N. Brett (L. Gooma). M. Schmidt ( Hogg), M. Tait, (J. Houman), R. I.ysaught (L. Paletborpe), K. Vickery (5. Aland), K. Tbelander (R. Leslie), K. Achilles (J. Rone), R. Gray (J Vallls) Tbird Rota (I-R): L Charlson (.L Donakl), N. Scales (P. Milk.), S. TbeLancler (R. Leslie), A..lobnson (5. Maubinney.), L Kinnon (P. Robinson), S. Ptrrcell (J. Ionergan), C. Fotberingbam ('R. Atkinson), T. Nall (J. AruLercon), E. Crtckburn (L. Nance), E. Abernetby (K. Barrett), E. Adam (8. Houell), T. West (D. Wilsot't), Fl. Truce (M. Kennedy), S. Cra.ne (C. Kell.y), J. Hirst (C. Anderssen), S. Gulymer (C. Hougbton), A. Cha.mberlin (J. Winclou), D. Appel (/. Knudsen), G. Pldnt (5. Nosutortbl) Second. Row (L-R): Xa. BremtTer (L.Steindl). C. Carter (WA Sp.trks), C. Gulmer (C. Houghton), B. Achilles (J. Rou,e), P. Houani (R McNeill), I(. Gibson (P. Dickinson), C. Ready (5. Thomsett), K. Grffitbs (p. Kennedll, A. Moles (8. Noswottby.), C. Gobe (G. Hnrdy). .5. Nystrom (A. C'ooper.),.J. McGarry- G'. Neilson), J. Abernetby (K. Barrett), M. Beutel (K. Miers), T. Hagan (5. McGabey), K. IIou,ard (R. McNeill), K. Allen (R. Beaumont.), C. Mott (A. Sbellsbear), F. Pdtterson (C. Gibson) Front Rou' (I-R): T Rbocles ('A. Nance), S. Todd (C. Burton), J. Cottone (E. C'untota), V- Sqruage (R. Lickiss), G. Poutell (R. Houe), E. Witing (5. lYalclrctrt), A. GeroJf (H. Uarshall),.1. Myers (D. Woodbouse), A. Watkins (M A. Fitzsimmons), J. O'Grady (A. Rayner), A. Noon (D. Arnold), -J. Scott Q. Marle.y), E. F-rencb (5. Lansbury), S. Ilaclgery (P. Lamont) Absent: S. Bitomskf (E. McLaran). 7-. Calabro (F. Dougall), E. Carter (C'. Bedgootl), M. Chalmers (C. Young), C. Chapman (H. Campbell), G.Cctoke(K.Httne1|.5.D;y-mock( Brtte)../.Hall(C.Nielsen.),S.Heatley(S.Cantamessa),L.Hend.ersctn('M.Carr),G..lesson(L.Mcleod), E. Lorraway ('K. Gebrmann.). F. Manning (P. Smitb), L. Mason (5. Carthetut,.l. McCtor-y tE. Simpson), E. Mccrath (p. Sanderson), L. Mchtiuen (5. Nicholson), F. Myers (D. \Yoodhouse), K. Nixon (D. Crozier), K. O'Connell (J. Gazzard), E. O'Hallctran (R. Hanscombe), S.Poutell('R.Hou;e),K.Salzm.anU Wttte),K.SduageQ nartlelt),J Scales('P.Mills),B.Schmidt(J.Hog), I.l.Scbmictt(C.Sunners), E. Seppctnen (P. Hope), B. Sbel,tberd (K. Radcli.fJb), R. Steele (L. Wooduard). E. Tr:,c;l.d (C. Bnrton), J. Trauers (5. Iipski.), M Van Eps (X. Pitlsttorth) 44
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