1995 School Magazine

@irls' Grsmmsr Scljool l8risbane 1995


.pormcr Crammar girl. Christa Davies. L is 24. a mechanical engineer. fluent in Japanese, a former member of the Queensland Youth Orchestra and thanks to the 1994 Caltex National Scholarship for 'Women and the Fulbright Scholarship is studying for her Master of Business Ad- ministration at Harvard Business School. \fhile at Grammar she won numerous academic prizes and attained a Tertiary Entrance Score of 990 in her final year in 1988. Her talents extended into co-cur- ricular activities at BGGS and she repre- sented the school in A grade swimming, artistic gymnastics and as first clarinettist in the school orchestra and concefi bands. She consolidated her interest in aero- space with a degree in mechanical engi-

ofJapanese language, she went to Japan in her holidays and taught English, as a means of honing her Japanese linguistic ability. Christa commenced her MBA at Harvard in September of this year. She hopes that with this degree behind her, as well as her experience overseas, she can become actively involved in trade be- tween Australian companies and govern- ment bodies and those in Asia. The Caltex Scholarship for \)7omen was established nineteen years ago in response to the exclusion of women from the Rhodes Scholarship at that time. Its aim is to encourage talented Australian women to fufiher their education by study- ing overseas and the Fulbright Scholar-

neering from the University of Qr-reensland earning a first class honours degree. She received the James Dowrie Prize for achieving the highest resr-rlts lor the year and was offered a CRA scholarship to undertake a PhD in fi'actal geometry. When told she could not co-ordinate her engineering course with the study

ship aims to foster and develop relations between Australia and the United States of America. Christa is to be congratulated for her supreme effort in gaining two of the most valuable scholarships offered in Australia. MEGAN DE LEACY


in many pursuits. A Lilley House Senior and Secretary to the Student Representative Council, she played A grade netball and softball and participated in cricket and athletics. She finds her experience as the President of the Zenith public-speaking club invaluable in her career, which requires confident, articlrlate people. Leanne continues to keep a full schedule, compering fashion parades and running her own business. The Leanne

ne of our most glamorous "old" girls, Leanne Buckle, has proven her versatility and good sense, with a successful career in modelling in her grasp and a burgeoning business enterprise in front of her. \fhen Leanne finished Year 12 in7987 , she began modelling part-time while studying towards a Bachelor of Commerce degree. At the end of 1989 she was the runner-up in the Daikyo Face of Australia competition and deferred her study to move

to Sydney where she worked as a catlvalk, catalogue and teievision model. 1991 saw Leanne judged Miss Australia and within the next year she won the Miss \forld Runner-Up and Miss Asia and Oceania Queen of Beauty titles. After modelling for the prestigious Ford agency in New York and working as the marketing manager for the Myer Centre's International Food Court in Brisbane, the busy woman finally found the time to com- plete her degree. In 1989, Leanne Buckle was nominated for the Young Achiever of the Year Award - a deserved recognition, considering she was receiving straight 7s in her fulltime market- ing and psychology studies at the time, as well as working as a full-time model. Even when she was at school Leanne was involved

Buckle School of Grooming and Deportment runs courses through B.G.G.S., providing tuition in make-up, dress sense and social etiquette. The emphasis is also on nutrition and exercise, and personal development sub- jects such as interuiew techniques and resumd writing, which are highly relevant. Leanne Buckle has benefited lrom her lovely looks and personality and knows the importance of self-esteem in marketing her- self in a competitive industry. She is now cementing her ties to the school by giving current students the opportr"rnify to reach their full potential, as she did. \ilith her successful modelling career and business know-how, this past pupil is delinitely not "just a pretty face". ZEWLAN MOOR


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