1995 School Magazine
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especially that for the relays, where co-operation and depth wefe necessary. Susan's ofganrzattonal skills, together with her undoubted talent as a sportswoman, played a majot role in this record-making performance. To Miss Derrington and her team of House Group teachers who supported us, and to all the Year Twelves whose efforts helped make this such an outstanding year, thank you most sincerely. They showed the way and the challenges were accepted, so to every member of the House - well done, Woolcock!
House Captainz
Nicole GaffneY
House Vice-Captainz Kristie Sage House Sports Captainz Susan Clark House Vice-Sports Captain: Clarissa Jenkins
\\f/oolcock \X/arriors began the year with energy and W spirit. Jo Scott's gladiatorial style performance at the House p^fty won her the coveted position of Miss Woolcock and provided the inspiration for other House members to act positively in the Interhouse competitions. In March, we churned up the Valley Pool in our yellow swimming caps while Woolcocky, our mascot, danced awarciot wardance to spur us on. \X/oolcock \flonderwoman, Corinne Butler, led the way and 7995 proved to our year for aquatic domination. Elated by our clean sweep of the swimming, we entered the Interhouse Drama, Choral, Gymnastics and Debating competi- tions enthusiastically and Joanna Starkey, Stephanie Brown, Cherry Ko, Diana Cheng, Amanda Merrin,Jessica Bennett, Catla Robertson and Philippa Ahern must be thanked for their outstanding efforts and commitment as captains of these activities. They sacrificed time and effort most unselfishly and helped make our involvement both enjoyable and worthwhile. In Interhouse Athletics, the golden hue of \Woolcock T-shirts burning about the track at Churchie was rewarded with
matching ribbons for outstanding performances from stars like Sports Captarn, Susan Clark, her sister, Helen (10\fl), Sally Lohrisch (9W) and Racheile \Wu (10W). \7e were extremely proud to be the first House ever to win every Athletics Trophy in the same year,
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