1995 School Magazine

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@ir[g' Grammur $rllool T8rtgbune 1995

The song was an original affange- ment, bythe captains, of Paul Simon's "Under African Skies". It was unbe- lievably bobby and harmonious and the solo part was exquisitely ren- dered by Alexie Jell in Year Nine. Squeezed ffr at the end of the first semester was the Interhouse Gymnastics competition. Most of

Tbe year oua.s nineteen ninety-fiae... Tbe green Lilley frogs came al:iae...

House Captainz

ZewIan Moor

House Vice-Captainz House Sports Captainz

Natalie Lyons

N To longer content to croak 1\ amidst the pond scum. the LILLEY LEGENDS emerged en masse. Our greatest achievements this year were winning both the Interhouse

Emma Nipperess

House Vice-Sports Captain: Anna Purvis

the Rhlthmic routines were impromptu so every girl must be congratulated on contributing to the outstanding achievement of getting "Lilley" engraved on the cup! Tania Hobson (Year

Rhythmic Gymnastics and Interhouse Debating trophies, thus securing our reputation as the graceful and intellectual house. These were but our crowning glories, however, since Lilley really excelled in enthu- siasm and fun. The biggest bash of

Eleven) andAndrea Noon (Year Eight) should be praised especially for their remarkable clubs and rib- bon performances respec- tively. The Artistic Gym- nasts, under the guidance of Susan Perel, are commended for their commitment and daring acrobatic feats. Those eloquent elo- cutionists, the Lilley De- bating Team,leapt to the fore this year under the leadership of Alison Meeking, well known for her cunning wit and in- tellect, The other tal-

the year was the House Party in first term. Erina Weil, Mary Tiffin and Margo Shearer-Smith did a great job in organising such games as "Dunk the House Senior" and "Bob- bing for Frogs in Green Cream \Without Using Your Hands". Carli Mcleod in Year Nine was crowned Queen Lilley withJayne Pappin (in her disco number) a close funnef-up. The Interhouse Swim-

ented members of the team were Madeleine Paige, AlexieJell and Sarah Hoyes. Despite coming eighth, a terrific day was had by all at the Athletics. Mega-congratulations must go to Sarah Escwick (Year Eight) and Sasha Cuffe (Year Nine) for winning their Age Divi- sion Championships. Something a little bit different that could only have happened in this, the school's 120th year, was our involvement in Beginnings. Jessica Schacht in Year Eleven and Mrs Edwards organised a large group of us into acting in a playlet called Sir Cbarles Lilley's Legacy. The performance, as well as the opportunity to dress up in the his- torical costumes, was a wonderful experience (except for one of us

ming was, as usual, a gala fashion parade - and we greenies were in there with the best of them. It was a novel, wear-green-zinc- and-scream-until-you're-hoarse duy and a good chance to meet the Year 8's in a rclaxed setting. The next bit of fun for all in- volved was the Interhouse Drama competition. Jo Bennett w as slightll,t dedicated to the production - with her involvement as director...lead ^ctar...even oariter of the play for heaven's sake! After the long hours of rehearsing and stressing the show went off really well and Jo and her faithful assistant, Georgina Johnson, are to be commended. The Interhouse Choral competi- tion was the next major event and the captains, Aislinn Batstone and Dewi Chai, led us to second place. Hurrayl


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