1995 School Magazine

6ir]rs' Grsmmnr $c!too[ trErisbene 1995


The gymnastics, both artistic and rhythmic, highlighted the fantastic flexibility of our spiders with six-packs, especially of the mighty Queen spider, Isobel Davies, who was named School Gymnastics Champion. With the lunchtime competi- tions of basketball and netball, the spiders united as one to show their dominance, doing exceptionally well in both, and winning the Year B net- ball. Griffith Debaters, al-

Tt was lanuary 30th, and a sense of fear was already I p"*uding the jungle. It all started when the warriors turned wussy, and the eagles migrated North. Next the bears escaped by climbing to the canopy, and the frogs hid under- ground. The mournfulwhimpering of the tigers echoed through- out the jungle. Octopi turned into limp and rubbery calamari,

and even the Phantom ran for the cover of the Skull Cave. The vast regiment of Redbacks was on the prowl and marauding ranks swept across the forest floor. SCHOOL HAD BEGUN! As the other Houses

though confident and rearrng to attack, were unable to grasp their oP- ponents and out of fat- ness decided not to bite and inject their fatal Poi- son. But, the Redbacks continued to have strength of spirit in the Athletics, capturing a strong third place in the stickiness of their web. Sarah Bitomsky andZoe Arscott in the 14 and 75 years respectivelY, both

-;H became entangledinthe web of the Redbacks, they realised with de- spair that the high canopy of spirit inwhich the Redbacks resided, was far beyond their own pitiful efforts. The spiders rocked and tigedat the House Pafiy,where our new Redback recruits aided us in painting the town red. Despite the natural lack of aptitude spiders have in the water, (have you evef seen a spider swim?) we managed to get all eight legs kicking. With the advantage of six extra legs, we decided to refrain from using our deadly bite, and took out second place at the end of the day. KellyJeppesen won the 16 years IndividualAge Championship and is to be commended on her efforts. The drama performance direction of Samata The Lion tbat \[/owldn't, undet the

won their individual age championships. These two spiders must be congratulated for their outstanding efforts throughout the whole yet. Fundraisin g in ,95 by all grades should be commended; through various sweet stalls and other activities we were able to send a genefous amount to the Save The Children Fund' Before this spider signs off , a few thank yous afe tn order: to Miss O'Sullivan for her enormous help with the organisation of the House, to all the teachers involved in the running of House Groups (with a special mention of the mothef of all

spiders, Mrs GeraghtY), to Isobel Davies for her wonderful efforts in all sports activities, to all sen- iors for making the Year so memorable, and last but by no means least, to every Redback who Par- ticipated and helped to strengthen the Griffith Web. Best of luck in the yeafs to come, and esPe- cially to the Senior SPi- ders of next year. (MaY your hairy-legs grow ever longer!!) ROANNE MCGEACHIE (HOUSE CAPTAIN) IENNY.CAMPBELT

Badgery, went off with a roar, as all spiders en- joyed a night of fun and entertainment, also Pfov- ing that spiders do not suffer from stage fright. Then came the choir, in which a River of sPi- ders sung about their Dreams, under the caPa- ble Redback rulershiP of Rachel McConaghY, All eight legs were fullyfunc- tional intime forthe Cross Country, where we won three out of the five age- groups: Year B, Yeat ) andYear 11. This gave us first place overall.


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