1995 School Magazine

@rrld' 6rammflr Srb00l TGrrdbsne 1995

WATERPOLO - U14A Standing (I-R): D Sage, M. Tierney, H. Clark, C. Burgess, S Heap, M. Clarke. S Cuffe, C.Jcthnson, H. BisboP Kneeling (I-R): ./ Taylctr, J. Tranberg Absent: K. Holland. G. Cctoke, 8../enkins (Coacb)

VATERPOLO - U14B Stancling (L-R): A Frctser, L Carneron, C. McLeod, A. Neilson, A. Smith, S. Acldis, C. Sellars,./. Delmodes Seated. (L-R): S Fincb, L. Carne, S. O'Rcturke

A. Vintrddken, L. TbomPsott Absent: K. Bunninp4 (Coach)


EQL,'ESTRIAN Stand.ing (I-R): 7'. Rhocles, N. Brett,

B. Neuille, A. Railey. S. Ashouer, K. Harnon, C. Brocklebank, C. Machie. Mr R. Ouerell Seated (L-R): M McMabon, M. Brett, K. Greenland, A.'lYoorls, S. Ccturtenay, S. Kenny Absent: A. Kercison, S. Lockuood, A. Casey, G. Casey, J, Mctckal


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