1995 School Magazine
6irlg' Grammar $cllool T8rigbane 1995
.WATERPOLO. U1,8A (I-R): C..fenkins, K. Kenman, C. Butler, K. Bentle.y, A. York, L. RapbaeL K..Jeppesen, A. Kersuell, N. Cu.ffe Absent: M. List, K. Bunning, M. Whrte, E. Bdine, A. Enri1ht (Coach)
WATERPOLO - U1881 Stand.ing (I-R): B Acbilles, A. Hogarth, A. Raclclffi, A. Wood, A'. Ros; S. Smitb, S. Stent, N. Stepbenson Seated. (I-R): K Dauidson, G. Grffitbs, S. Maynes. K. Walker Absent: .1. Larson (Coach)
WATERPOLO - U1882 Standing (I-R): K Sutyer, K. Greenland, L. Mason, E. Gibson, E. Weil, L. Harrington, S. Thelander Seated (L-R): S Clarke, C. Whiting, A. Gutteridge Absent: E. Jenkins ('Coach)
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