1995 School Magazine

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6irlg' @rammar Scltool reridbsnp 1995

VOLLEYBALL - B GRADE Stand.ing (I-R): A. Jordan, C. Mattbeus, C. Gerber, C. Clare, K. Salzmann. E. Stod.lrt Se.tted. (f-R): I Scbacbt, E. Broun, P. PaPas, M. water' B. Hd),nes Absent: G. Adams

VOLLEYBALL - A GRADE Stand.ing (I-R): E Lane, J. Walker, A. Horn, K. Dauies, C. Jenkins Seated. (L-R): S Bourne, D.'WJ)att,, R. Mc Geacbie. A. Puruis

VOLI.EYBALL -JL]MORA Stand.ing (I-R): A Grainger, J. Tilney, J. Mc Cauley, D,Sage, A. Douns Seated. (L-R): M Charlton, T. White rd. E. Scbmiclt, A Ryder, L. Scboles Absent: K. Pearson, P. CbaPman

VOLLEYBALL - C GRADE Standing (L-R): E Bai.n, Z. Hayes, E. Lorrauay Seate.l (I-R): S Smitb, A. Merrtn, L. Tbompson Absent: A. Smitb, N. Perkins, T. Calabro, S. Wbite


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