1995 School Magazine
@rrl5' 6rnrnnrdr 5rlj00[ 7ldrrgb,rne 1995
NETBAIL - 9C Standing (I-R): G Cooke, J. Chanberc, A. Black. I{. Bigbl Seated. (I-R): C..lobnsctn, K. Moore, S. Antlersrm (Coacb,'t. .1. Tranberg, M. C'ou,lishau Absent: K. Flem.i.ng. C. McLeod
NETBALL - 8A Stand.ing (I-R): S L-rtuick, E. Morcne.y, H. Murray, L. Ferrari, E. l-:n1st Seatecl (L-R): C'. McCormack, N. Duce../. Glles. K. Prosser Absent: N. At.tbrey (Coacb)
NETBALL - 88 Standing (L-R): XI Scbmidt, C. Clilford McFeeter. K. Quirnt, A. Wandntaker, J. Macgilliural- Seated (f-Q: I P.tppin, K. Kerstaell, K. Hctnsen (Coacb), A. Noon, N. Laycctck
NETBALL - 8C Standing (I-R): K Littcluall. S. Dat.'ies. C. Cronin, L. Cott.'ie, A. Trikcnnii Seated Q-R): I Hacluten, D. Cctllins. L. Barber (Coacb).
F. M-yers, F. nf;orlh Absent: ./. Cottotrc
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