1995 School Magazine

6irlg' Grammar Scllool lGricbsne 1995

ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS (B1 & 82) On Beam (L-R): XI Brett, E. Scbmiclt Stand.ing (I-R): K Salzma.n, F. Lang;forcl, K. Brolrn, K. Mccratb, K. Forrest Absent: K. Mctrsby, R. Statbdm (Coach)

ARTISTIC G}'IIINASTICS (C1) (I-R): F Williams, C. Hunter, P. Pap.t; A. Chapman, K. Buckle Absent: J. Vincent, R. Wu, I. Kndt, M. Naylor (.'Coacb)

ARTISTIC GYMNATICS (Dl & D2) Back Rou O-R): I Catt, D. Lauritz, S. Degen Front Roul (I-R): T Hobsctt, A. Palmer, M. .Wagazinor ic Absent: J. Rigby, l. Rogers (.Coach)


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