1995 School Magazine

@rrlE' 6r.rmnlsr Srt]o0l nlrrgbane 1995

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GRAMMAR SINGERS (YEAR ].0) Back Roto (L-R): I E lJaris, R. Touie, M.,l,IcMabon, J. Tntssler, Y. Martnos, R. B..t.rrett. E. Lane. Tbird. Rott (I-R): Y Cheng, C. McCurdy, K. Bailey. K. Pldnt, E. Saeck, S. Smitb, K. Achilles. Secontl Rota (L-R): L Kinnon. N. Peters, S. Steinberg, C. .Uktt, R. Schulz,./. Ascott,qh, K. Boetker. E. Mattbett:s, D. Sdm.trdtLtnga Front Rou (I-R): I Y.t/Lg, R. Gral-, 6. Nett'sorne, G. Tbompson, P. Asac.lullah, C. Chai, S. Nanclant

YEAR 9 CHOIR Back Rotts (L-R): A Dickinsctn,./. Macleod, K. Cctyte, S. Addis, R. Farley../. Little, C. Burgess, P. Mackenzie. S. Miller, J. Adtlis. K. Bourne, K Bigby Fourtb Rou (L-R): tul Sta.ftbrd, K. Rurgolne, P..Jantis, C. Lalousis../. Pttrcell, A. Dennis,.t. We.s/, S. Nisbet Srn.itb. D. Hu,qbes, G. Cooke, S. Whitehouse Tbircl Row (I-R): L Ccr.tneron, A R.yder, H. Board, A ./el/, )tI Coulishau:, E. SbeLften, F. Souuannauong, M. (,:ktrke, A. Palmer, C'. Rctsrnttssen, K. Crnnstoun, C. Price SeconclRou(L-R):E Velkouic,L.Cante.L.Scholes,S.Hct.yes,./. l|r'issler,K.Moore,P.Dou'sett,N.Wtr.rren,A.Fraser,K. IYagnerK.Mendra FrontRott(I-R):M Cbai.A.Urbancic-Kenn,y,-l.Rim.mitlgtol4K.Brolo/t,E.Prior,C.Nunn,S.Blacla,M.Capper,G.Williams,.l.Scott,L.Grilfin Absent: G. Zandegiacomo. C. Sr,tmios, S. Samios, K. Fleming I28

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