1995 School Magazine
6irld' @rsmmar Scbool trEridbtrne 1995
the younger grades and helped the ch-rb to integrate and socialise on a previously r"rnseen 1evel. This informal atmosphere has aided many of the new members to improve "the most important skill one can master", the art of public speaking. \We have had workshop meetings, combined meetings with the Gregory Terrace Toastmaster's Ch-rb, guest speakers, and topics ranging from "Footprints . . ." to "Australians and Sport". The club could not have functioned as effectively as it has without the continued support of Mrs Dakin and, in her absence, Mrs Lyons. The Board wishes to extend their thanks and best wishes to the members and Board of 1.996. The strong contingency of Year Elevens will ensure that Zenith experiences further suc- cess and will continue to equip young women. Good luck and huppy speaking! JUSTINE CAMERON
BOARD 1995
President Justine Cameron Vice-Presidents Alex Neels & Sarah Gauvin Secretary Michelle Haruey Treasurer Margie Cohn Staff Mrs Dakin and Mrs Lyons
/1 nmmar's public speaking club has enjoyed both a Upleasurable and successful year. Our ZenithClub, one of the oldest in Australia, has always provided an opportunity for students of all grades to improve their performance and conlidence in speaking in front of an audience. The 1995 Board entered with many fresh ideas and made the decision to cater more lor the less accomplished speakers, and introduced informal meetings once a month. This move has accommodated
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ZENITH Back Roto (L-R): E. Cockbru"n, S. Hercly, C. Kok, E. Kidd, E-J. Harcis Tbirel Ront (I-R): S Todr| C Alexander, C,./acksrtn, G. Buchanan, J. Darblt, E. Wilson Second Rottt (L-R): Z Moor, K. Booker, S. Nisbet-Sntith, A. Dickinson, F. Doley, R. Henderson, M. McGregor Front Rout (I-R): IL Cobn, S. GarLuln, Mrs A. Llons, J. Cameron. A. Neels, M. Haruey
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