1993 School Magazine
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ZENITH Back Row (L-Rj: T. Tingle, F. Cra\vford, K. Somers, E. Walkins. A. Sharma. A. Wilson. Third Row IL-R): N. SnO. R. Gray, S. Gauvin, F. Hanger, M. Hickey, A. Meeking. M. Cohn, K. Burke, C. Kok, S. Tsui. Second Row, (L-R): C. Curter, S. Steinberg, M. Hanrvey. I. Darby, R. Henderson, F. Doley. K. Domey, A. Neels. K. Booker, I. Cameron. Front Row (L-R): I. Yang, S. Nandam. A. Cohn. I. Fisher. Mrs I. Riggs. I. Sing. Mrs I. nakiri. N. (;lover. C. Breipohl, I-E. Harris. E. Rahemtala.
Topics this year included : " Chan gos ", " Chivalry" and
R, S. P. C. A. CLUB
"Beatles. Beatles. Beatles". The Justice system, television 19931Tas been a prosperous year for' the R. SPC A Club and honesty all eliciied a vigorous eXchange of views, pro- Beginning with a successful Easter Raffle. and continuing In o1ing the skills of logic and fluent delivery. Some may not with the Be SI Pel Compelitioii and School Day, Ihe highlight have decided whether it is "Better to die like a lion than live of the year came durino Second Term, when Di' Cam Day like a rat" but all pailicipanis in the club have gained conl'i- spoke at Assembly. accompanied by his fLiri'y fi'iends. a killeii dence 11'0m the experience tind rabbit. just Iwo of the animals available for adoption The club would like 10 Ihank the School for its suppori. through donations or monies. food stuffs and blankeis foi' the enjoyable occasion and 11Tay provide additional opportunities refuge. A big thank you 10 all members of tile R. SPC. A. for co-operation among the clubs. As Ihe oldest Zenith Club in AUSii'alia. the Brisbane Gills' Grammar students hope to Club. 11nd especially Mi's Kings, Lisa MildwaieTs. Caroline encourage Ihe Glibrts at Marymouni and. more recently, at Brcipohl and jinogen Fisher. Best wishes for the fuiure yeai'SI Bi'ishanc Grammai' School Hilary Weston, Presideni A1 the invitation of inc new Mai'yinouni Zenith Club o11 the Gold Coast I attended their Chanel' Dinncr which was an
h is pleasing 10 report that the topic question 11mc is no longer a pel'10d when members dread being asked an impi'ompiLi question. Instead. Ihe session is of ICn extended to accommodaie the friendly rivalry of the irrepressible debate Due to the unprecedented demand for membership this year Zenith has extended its Charter to offer its opportunities 10 a larger group. These developnTents. although increasing the demands on Ihe Board which organises the club, indicate a vitality which augurs well 10r the fLiiure
10hanna Sing
Vice-Presidenis: Imogen Fisher and NICo!c GloveI'
Caroline Breipolil
Secretary Treasurer
An ita Cohn
While it may be true Inai "what orators lack ill deptli Ihey make up for' in Ienoili". the Zenilh Club has demonstrated that The task of presiding over Zenith is not an exiguous one' MTS enthusiastic speeches and discussions can comfortably occti- Dakin and Mrs Riggs have provided support and contribu- py a Tuesday, afternoon. Oralion and debate covering serious lions which are universally appreciated. The cohesive group and enterlaining topics continue 10 flourisli at every meeting. of office-bearers this year have been invaluable in the coinpe-
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