1993 School Magazine

AMANl 1993 has seen the strengthening of ties between Brisbane Girls' Grammar School and the Brisbane branch of Amnesty International. On 13 June, the Gehrmann Theatre played host to an evening of Art, Poetry and Chamber Music with all proceeds going directly 10 Amnesty International. The evening's entertain- merit was organised by the Tannga branch of Amnesty and featured members of the Am anI club reading poetry and the music of the Movellan Quintet which consisted of Gerard Dullon, CTaig Dean, Paul Dean, Leesa Dean and Peter Luff with KGvin Power on piano. The star of the evening, however, was Do mingo Montenegro, a former prisoner of conscience, whose readings of his own poems, "My Land" and "Where Do I Hide You, Child of My Country" moved both audience and readei' deeply. An interval in the programme provided all with an opportunity 10 view some of Do mingo's beautiful art- work which was on display in GII. 1993 saw the introduction of the CAS and Service pro- gramme within the Senior School. This provided us with an ideal opportunity to link the school more closely with the work of Amnesty volunteers in the Brisbane office. With per- mission from Mrs Statham and the Brisbane offices eager acceptance of more help, a connection was set up and Grammar girls ventured to the organisation's Slate headquar- Iers for two hours on Thursday afternoons. (Thanks must go 10 Mark, Tim and Heather for having the patience to teach us how to use such complicated examples of modern technology as the FAX MACHINE! ! !) This year also saw Brisbane Girls' Grammai. 's second and third "PI. Days". The enthusiasm of both students and staff alike, on Wednesday 3 Marcli, raised $700 for Amnesty - a significant increase on last year's effort. For $1, students (and members of staff) could weal' their boxers and Ugh boots at

school. Chicken tickets (for $2) were also available to those who wished to support the cause in their usual attire Wednesday 28 July was the date of "PI. Day 3" which proved to be the last pyjama day for the year. Once more the "nans" emerged, as students graced the school grounds in bed socks and beanies for Amnesty.






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Chairman of Amnesty international Australia Mr Ross Daniels addresses Assembly.

The two "PI. Days" raised over one thousand dollars for Amnesty and this money was presented to Ross Daniels - the Chairman of Amnesty International Australia - on Tuesday 24 August. Mr Daniels addressed the school and spoke of Amnesty's worldwide campaign for Human Rights as well as his recent involvement with the Dali Lama and Archbishop Tuiu in Thailand, at a meeting of Nobel Peace prize winners This function was organised by a Canadian human rights organisation, its aims being 10 place pressure on the Burmese government regarding its human rights violations. Mi' Daniels runs a very busy schedule and so we were very honoured 10 have him address the school Jess Conoplia












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AMANl Back Row (L-R): I. Webster, A. MCGregor, A. Hawley, M. de Laat I. Hadwen, G. Petrohilos, B. Erreney. Second Row (L-R): H. Weston, M. Adamson, Mrs S. Hadgraft, I. Curioplia, M. Hadgrafi, I. Gwynne. Front Row (L-R): E. Jenkins, E. Taylor, C. Peel, K. Porter, B. Marsh. Absent: E. nunstan, M. Woodhead

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