1993 School Magazine


EDITORIAL The PIethora of academic and co- curricular opportunities offered at Girls' Grammar leads students into diverse field: throughout their careers. By fostering dedication and the PUT- suit of excellence in all endeavours, Brisbane Girls' Grammai School makes a vital contribution to the wider community and its future Brisbane Girls' Grammar School has nurtured students whc have attained goals benefiting themselves and others. This role of education in inspiring leadership cannot be exaggerat- ed. in 1993, Brisbane Girls' Grammar School students have achieved recognition in academic, cultural and sporting are- rias. Ivlany of our representatives have attained winning scores in their fields and their commendable efforts are appreciatec throughout the school However, the achievement of all students who participate fully in school life, is their development of tenacity, tearr work and unified spirit. Qualities of this kind will determine the success of the school, and later, the world. Within the school is a fundamental recognition that the most importani result is not a set of figures but a citizen ready to accept heI I'ights and responsibilities ill a challenging world. Every aspect of school life cultivates individuals' talents anc contributes 10 the school. The annual magazine records the efforts of each section of 111e school community and recognis- es its importance 10 the whole school. As circumstances change the approaclt to this task alters in order to achieve the optimum result. This year's School Magazine no longer con- lains the students' original work in its central section. Instead a separate publication exclusively featui'es an extended SGIec- lion of writing and art work TITe Magazine Committee. encoui'aged by the dedicate( efforts of Mrs Kiolle and Mrs Hadgraft. is proud 10 nave coin- piled this year's Linique addition to Grammai'. The co- ordina lion by coinmiiiee niembers, staff and students in its produc- lion reflects the colTesioii of 1116 school community. This Magazine chronicles the development of young worner according to the tenets of their school throughout the year Tileir future is full of promise and no better piepai'allon coulc be offered Ihaii the OPPoriunities within 11Tis school 10hanna Sins


10hanna Sing


lessica Conoplia Bridget Effeney Imogen Fisher

ETenie Hellen

Kale Kilpairick

Kale Leadbeater

Elizabeth Mackay Georgia Petrohilos Kylie Rohl Teena Tingle

Raelene Wouda

Year Twelve Magazine Photographers: loanna Webster Annaliisa Palge

Janine Krauchi



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MAGAZINE COMMITTEE Back Row IL-Rj: \Irs C. Kiolle. I. Sinn. E. \lackay. I. Curioplia. B. Eireney. R. W, Iuda. \Irs S. Hadgranft. . F1'tint Ro\\ (L-Ri: F. Hellen. T. Tingle. (;. Pelrohilos, I. Fishei. K. Rohl Absent: K. Leadbealer, K. Kilnatrick

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