1993 School Magazine

The seven girls who attended the 1992/1993 French trip would like to thank Mine Duff, Mine G6ral and 1061 for then superb oroanisation and all the host families with whom we all still correspond FRENCH CAMP REPORT Last May, 16 students from the Year 11 and 12 French classes spent a weekend at the annual French camp held by the Alliance Erangaise. With such a large contingent one inighi think the camp was run on the attendance of Girls' Grammai students, but in fact nearly 100 students from a variety o1 schools, botli independent and state, joined in the exercise One iniohi also think that it's a good excuse 10 eat Frenc1 food, watch Frencli video clips and movies, and play games and create the all'e performances. 11 certainly is all of that -, --. , '$-. ' ' -- .$ . - ^ -!* ;" ..'. : ; ',-.'-*I. p ,'I;.-* _ -; ~ \ ',~ ". , I , i" ' 1, ' "_"'. . '* , .' .L. ...:,(~.~ ..,,*" ~" '*" , , _ . _ , .,,- *;**:>;\ ~... ."-- ' .. .,\~, ,,, I. .

TGV (the famous French high speed train), which did Teach speeds of over 200 kilometres an hour. Two hours and 400 kilometres later, we arrived at An gou16me station where we were met by our charming French host families. We were all very pleased to find that most of our French families were all tall people (like us) as the French seemed generally smaller than Australian families


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French tour participants: Standin" (L-R): Annaliisa Paige, Belinda Woodhead, ISObel Royston, Racliel Grierson Seated (L-R): Holly Marshall, Tammy Brock Absent: Belinda Chappell We all slept off the trip that weekend and gathered oui' couraoe to learn in the French school system on Monday Saint-Paul, our French sister school, is a co-educational pri- vate school, reputedIy the best in the Charante region. We attended classes with the sixteen year old members of OUT French families. The subjects we studied were all very similar to here, for example: chemistry, physics, maths, biology, geography, history and we all excelled in English. We unfor- tunaiely had trouble during the French class We attended Saint-Paul for two weeks before the Christmas holidays were upon us. We went OUT separate ways during this festive occasion, celebrating with our hosts. We visited places including Belgium, Paris, Marseilles, Nice, Lille and other parts of France. We saw so many chateaux and ancient castles, we never want to see another as long as we live We all returned 10 school for another week and soon realised that our stay in Ariaouleme was nearly over. On the morning of Tuesday 12th January, we assembled once more at An gou16me Railway Station in order 10 catch a 7:00a. in. train to Paris. After some very teary farewells to OUT ITosi families. we relaxed at the prospect of touring Paris for the first lime for some of us. Don't worry, we were accompanied by two wonderful English teachers from our sister school, Mine G6ral and 1061 We spent two glorious days exploring all parts of Paris including the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre. the Bastil!e. Sorbonne University, the Champs Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe On 11Te Wednesday afternooiT we boarded the plane. finally ready to head south. Fortunately for us, because of a problem with connecting flights, we spent the whole of Thursday sightseeing in Hong Kong. This was a very new experience for us all Finally, at I :30p. in. on Friday 15th January, we landed at Brisbane International Airport after many delays. We were all very pleased to see our families

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Vive in France!

But wail! There's more! it's all in French! Yes, a whol^ weekend of speaking French with teachers from variou schools who form pal'I of the supervisory team, along will native speakers. This all adds Lip 10 a good time, as attested in by the photo of smiling faces, and we recommend next yeai" camp to Lipcoming Year I I French students as a positive Ian guage and cultural experience GERMANY Everyone looks forward 10 the Christmas holidays but fc Susie SCOii. Me a West and myself, these holidays were goin 10 be I'Gaily special. We had all won SAGSE (Society it Australian GemTaii Student EXchange) scholarships and wei going 10 Germany for' six weeks. We left Brisbane airport on the fourth of December fc Sydney with great expectations and feelings of excite men While we were waiting in Sydney's international aimor someone claimed that they saw Paul Me TCUrio, of "Strictl Ballroom" fame. in the wailing lounge. Unfortunately. theI was no time 10 try 10 find him before our plane left. When \\ airived in Banokok airport at around one o'clock in the mori ino after nine hours of plane travel, we were quite tire( However. we qLiick!y woke up when Paul Mercurio sal dow at the back of the waiting lounge. Some people had their phi touraphs taken with him. CTeg Benson from "Home an Away" and the long distance runner, Cliff Young, were als on our night. This was a great start to OUT holiday.

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