1993 School Magazine
HIRSCHFELD This year Hirschfeld has approached each activity with out- standing spirit and enthusiasm, in keeping with our strong house tradition. 11 all began, way back in Term one, with the House Barbecue Here we crowned the Year Elevens, as the creme de in creme of all Hirschfeldians, with the prestigious Miss HITSchfeld title. After exhausting themselves in the pool and stuffing themselves with copious amounts of pizza and chicken, this success was no mean feat! 11 was also encouraging to see strong competition, for the title, from the Year 8 contingent One o1' our highlights for the year was the outstanding style, determination and professionalism with which we performed in the Interhouse Drama competition. With almost total house Involvement, "Dream a little Dream" look 10 the stage with vigoui' and vitality. All girls performed exceptionally well both on stage and behind the curtain Hirschfeld's rendition of "Only You", arranged by He Ien Buchbach and Anna Hawley, at the Interhouse Choral coinpe- 11/10n, sent tingles down the spines of everyone in the audito- rium. it was at the Rhythmic Gym, however, merely one week later, that Hirschfeld brought the house down. With faces painted like tigers and interesting routines in all appara- jus, we enjoyed our inevitable 7th placing it was at the Valley Pool, though, on the day of the Interhouse Swimming, that a new era in HITSchfeld dawned when all Hii'schfeldians saluted the new banner! All of these tictiviiies, however, were just a warm up to the House's success at the Athletics. With juju clad rollerbladers and "TIGGER" leading the warcries, OUT athletes sprinted their way to a 1110st memorable third place. The hard work and effori of all seniors and house group teachers has been much appreciated this year. in particular, thanks must go 10 MTS SIddle for her continued support and organisation of the house Tliroughout all activities, the Hirschwomen have shown their true colours and are paving their way to bigger and better things next year. After all with a House like HITSchfeld, where can you go wrong? Kylie Rohl & Naomi Just
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