1993 School Magazine
GRIFFITH in 1993, Grimth House was unrivalled in house spirit, Grithu- SIasm and above all, success. Possibly Griffith's most suc- CGssful year yet, we showed OUT dominance in every arena We started the year off with a bang at the House BBQ and spirit was at an all-lime high, undoubtedly aidino the house in achieving our many successes Ihi'oughoui the year The first Interhouse event at which we were given the OPPor- Iuniiy 10 display our sporting prowess was the Interhouse Swimming, held on the fifth of March. CTiffiih won the over- all Irophy in injinitable style, wiih simply too many outsiand- ing pel'formances 10 mention. The atmosphere was electric and all the other houses saw red, with all of Griffiih decked o111 in our best attire. The next opportunity for Gi'iffith 10 conquer took place o11 the tweniy-eighth of April - The Interhouse Gymnastics. Once again, Griffiih won the Artistic Gym with our vice-sporis cap- lain, Rebecca SIatham, not only scoring a perfect ten for lier floor routine, but also being named School Artistic Gymnastics Champion. Both the Rhythmic and Altistic teams performed excellently, willI some especially good perfor- mances by ISObel Davies (10) in the Artistic section. The rhythmic gymnasis, full of enthusiasm, produced an admirable 4th placing, a big improvement on our 7111 placing last year! So far, Griffiih had well and 11'uly proven their sporting doini- nance, so it was lime 10 strut our stuff in the inter house Draina. Yes, you guessed it - another victory 10 Griffith house with an nilai'IOUs and energeiic performance of "Strictly Vacuum". Many thanks and congi'atulaiions must go 10 Manoii Woodhead, oui' draina captain and vice-house captain, who wi'o1e, directed and put ntany houi's of lime and effort into this hugely successful play On 111e first of June the CTiffiih choii', conducted by Emma Taylor. with help from Sarah Warren and Michelle SCOii, per- formed a funny and enjoyable lendiiion of "Iko Iko" from the movie "Rain Man". With come enthusiastic voices, and a bit of dancing from the Year Twelves, Griffiih came 4th overall The Interhouse Athletics, lield at the ANZ Stadium on the twelfth of August, saw Gi'iffiih blitz the opposition yet again, taking out both the relay cup and the overall trophy. Our sports captain, Allie Derrick, put in some memorable perfor- mances, along with Bridle Potter, the 16 years age champion, and many o1her Ialenied Griffith athletes. Very special men- lion must be made of Zoe ATScoit, in Year 8, who, in her fii'SI year at Grammar, was not only awarded the 13 years age championship, but was also named overall school champion Congratulations 10 all Griffith House for the brilliant achieve- merits of this year. A huge thank you must go 10 all the Yeai' Twelves who put so much woi'k in 10 leading the house to suc- cess and especially 10 Manon Woodhead, the vice-house cap- lain; Allie Derrick, the sports captain; and Rebecca SIaiham, the vice-sports captain. Last, but certainly not least, thank you to Miss O'SUIlivan who, again, showed her unfailing support for Griffith and put so much of her time into helping the house. Good luck next year, Griffith! !
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