1993 School Magazine

ENGLAND The week commencing I March saw the beginning of true England House spirit. This week was to hold our first Interhouse challenge for 1993 - The Interhouse swimming carnival. Having already had our house BBQ, (including the year level war-cry competition) we were full of house spirit and determination. By the conclusion of the day, scores of aching muscles and vocal chords later, England House had attained THIRD position, with Sonia While taking out the title of Year Eight Champion! Saturday 6 March was the date for a special BBQ, organised by the Mothers' Group, in which the Year Eights and Nines and their parents met the staff-members of England House as well as the Years Eight and Nine House Seniors Thursday 25 and Friday 26 March were the dates of the Interhouse Drama Festival. Under the guidance of our two drama captains, Katherine Weinthal and HeIen Christ irison, we performed an adapted version of a play by Paul Coilings, called A Spore Odd^7y. This involved a sizeable cast, which Incorporated members of every grade of the house The Interhouse choral coinpietiiion was organised by Heidi Pietzner and Caroline Wilke - the 1993 England music cap- lains. With house members on piano and percussion alike, we look 10 the BGGS auditorium stage and sang till we were BLUE in the face. After months of rehearsals, PHIi!'11' o11 !he Ri/z came logether perfectly! Term Ihi'ee held the Interhouse Athletics, in which England House, once more under the able leadership of our Spoils Captain. Tiffany Frecklingion, and Vice, Kym Hinton, look 10 the track 10 show the o1hei' 110uses the "Ellies" had what it takes. Oui' two stars of the day were Harrietie Lawson and Katie Domey who both look the title of athletics champion for' their individual age groups On behalf of all the students in England House, I would like to thank Ms ForSIer for her nevei'-ending encouragement and support 10 Ihe House in her role as Head of England. A spe- cial thanks must go to House Group Teachers, from Mrs Morris (Year 8) to Mrs Dowries (Year 12), your organisation helped make England House the greatsuccess it was in 1993 England House may not be the House which wins all of the interhouse competitions; however, we have somethinu many do not - House Spirit and a positive altitude. 11 doesn't mailer how hard it may seem. Englandites are ALWAYS ready 10 "give it a go" - showing others the true meaning of what being part of a "House" is all about. WELL DONE ENG- LAND and best of luck foi' the years 10 come! less Conoplia



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